HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-03-03 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, March 3, 2020after Special Finance Committee City Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES BED Members Present:Nichols(C), Fournier, Schaefer City Staff Present:Collins, Conlow, Cromwell, Emery, Krieg, Nicklas, Saucier Chair Nichols called the meeting to order at 5:17P.M. ______________________________________________________________________ PUBLIC HEARING 1.Public Hearing Regarding 5-Year Consolidated Plan and Use of CDBG Funds Councilor Fournier moved to open the public hearing, seconded by Councilor Schaefer. Tyler Collins, Community and Economic Development Officer,presented an overview of the CDBG program and process, including potential uses of funding. There is a survey rd at www.bangormaine.gov/cdbgfor the public to take until April 3. The public may reach out to the Community and Economic Development office if they wish to discuss community needs and potential use of CDBG funds. No one from the public attended the hearing to speak on this issue. There will be a second public hearing in May. Councilor Schaefer movedto close the public hearing, seconded by Councilor Fournier. REGULAR AGENDA 2.Maine Historic Preservation Certified Local Government Grant Application Anne Krieg, Planning Officer, gave an overview of the grant opportunity and projects proposed. Councilor Schaefer moved approval of the Maine Historic Preservation Certified Local Government Grant Application, seconded by Councilor Fournier. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. 3.Amending Chapter 165, Land Development Code by Adding Solar Array as an Overlay District Anne Krieg, Planning Officer, gave an overview of the proposed solar array overlay district.Councilor Fournier asked if the bond/surety provision could be examined as it may present a hardship for smaller projects. Staff will look at this prior to submitting the final language to Council for first reading.Councilor Schaefermoved approval of the proposed solar array language,with the note about the bond/surety provision being reexamined, seconded by Councilor Fournier. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. 4.Proposed Text Change to the Land Development Code –Providing Relief for Non-Conforming Lots Anne Krieg, Planning Officer, gave an overview of the proposed change to the nonconformities section of the land development code.City Solicitor Paul Nicklas provided additional context on situations that would be remedied by this change, and the caution regarding unintended consequences. Councilor Schaefermoved approval of the proposed text change to the land development code regarding non-conforming lots, seconded by Councilor Fournier. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. Councilor Schaefer moved to enter into Executive Session (1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (C) ) at 6:04 P.M., seconded by Councilor Fournier. 5.Executive Session–Economic Development –Update –Roundhouse Parcel –1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (C) Councilor Schaefer moved out of Executive Session at 6:07 P.M., seconded by Councilor Fournier. 6.Action on Above Item Councilor Schaefermoved approval of staff recommendation,seconded by Councilor Fournier. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. Meeting adjourned at 6:08P.M. Respectfully submitted, Melissa Bickford Development Assistant C&ED