HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-08-20 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Monday, August 20, 2018 City Council Chambers Meeting Minutes City Councilors Present: Davitt, Graham, Nealley, Nichols, Perry, Sprague, Tremble, Weston City Staff Present: Bolduc, Collins, Conlow, Emery, Nicklas, Wallace Chair Nealley called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Extension of Lease Agreement with Vicky L. Trundy 2. Disposition of 419 Essex Street, 675 No. French Street and 31 Merrimac Street by RFP Councilor Nichols moved both Consent Agenda items, seconded by Councilor Davitt. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. REGULAR AGENDA 3. Review of Property Maintenance Issues Director Emery provided an introduction regarding the Review of Property Maintenance Issues, and citizen Tuesday Tucciarone from Maple Street spoke. A. House numbers must be clearly visible from the street Okay to move to 4” numbering. B. A path for first responders to reach inside of the house must be clear of any obstruction, including vegetation Okay as is. C. Vegetation cannot impede, creep or invade on any sidewalk Okay as is. D. The maintenance of the strip of land between the street and the sidewalk is the responsibility of the property owner Add mowing to the ordinance. E. Fall leaves cannot be left on the property. This is especially a health issue here in Maine where ticks are a very real health threat and leaves are a common habitat of ticks Okay as is. F. Upholstered furniture commonly belonging on the inside of the residence is not allowed on the outside Suggestion to have all city employees reporting these issues, will research options. G. Tree branches must be trimmed and maintained “x” inches above the ground Okay as is. Checklist is a good idea. Tuesday provided examples. H. Shrubs trimmed and maintained Okay as is. Also can be on checklist. I. No blighting allowed Okay as is, but look at vacant and abandoned ordinance for potential improvements. 4. Discussion – Zoning and Shooting Ranges Assistant City Solicitor Nicklas introduced the discussion. Where should the shooting ranges/zones be, and what conditions should apply? Jane Varney, neighbor, objected to calling a shooting range a constitutionally protected thing. Sounds of gun fire heard from her residence. Zoning ordinance for the City says RR&A, residential and agriculture. Spirit of the law, letter of the law, never imagined a gun range would be allowed near her residence. Not enough safe rural area to have gun range/s. Committee inquired about the role of the Firearms Discharge Committee. Tina Pray, neighbor, can hear the shooting at her home off Finson Road. Machine gun fire makes her heart race. Council Chair Sprague thinks that RR&A makes the most sense with the addition of setbacks and other provisions. Rob Pryblo, neighbor, is not opposed to firearms or ranges. His only concern is indoor vs. outdoor ranges. He agrees about the concerns with outdoor, focusing on the sound. Suggests visiting the Holden range. Phil Roberts, states that the agricultural area isn’t so much agricultural anymore, and it’s more residential. Doesn’t think that an outdoor shooting range belongs in a neighborhood, and doubts that there is enough space in Bangor left for outdoor ranges. He suggests an indoor range only in a commercial zone. Having an outdoor range in the Firearms Discharge Zone 2 does not make sense. Assistant City Solicitor Nicklas will draft some ordinance recommendations to present to full City Council. 5. Marijuana Establishment Setbacks Director Emery provided information regarding Marijuana establishment setbacks. Council Chair Sprague - building to building or reduce and add a vegetation buffer? Wants to facilitate it. Committee Chair Nealley agrees with Councilor Sprague. Councilor Graham does not want to agree to this for 1 particular business, is not in favor. Councilor Nichols prefers building to building. Councilor Perry prefers building to building. Councilor Nichols moved changing the setback for retail stores to 300’ building to building, rather than property line, seconded by Councilor Davitt. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. 6. ORDINANCE, Amending Chapter 165, Land Development Code, and Chapter 177, Marijuana, by Adding Provisions Regarding Medical Marijuana Establishments Assistant City Solicitor Nicklas introduced the item. Councilor Graham would like to look at signage for both retail vs. medical. Councilor Nichols moved regular agenda item, seconded by Councilor Davitt. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. 7. Electronic Signs Councilors are interested in seeing what the setbacks would need to be to accommodate the change at Pray’s to allow an electronic sign. Staff will look at and map out that area. No other action at this time. 8. City of Bangor Storytelling Video Campaign Director Emery presented the City of Bangor Storytelling Video Campaign, and that Sutherland Weston was selected as the marketing agency for this campaign. Council Chair Sprague supports the video campaign. Councilor Davitt moved staff recommendation to work with Sutherland Weston Marketing Communications, seconded by Councilor Nichols. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. Meeting adjourned at 8:29 P.M. Meeting minutes respectfully submitted, Melissa B. Fongemie Admin. Asst. C&ED