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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-06-27 Planning Board Minutes
MEETING ofJune27, 2018
Board Members Present:Charles Boothby, Chairman
Edwin Brush
Nelson Durgin
Phyllis Guerette
Steve Hicks
Ken Huhn
Pete Parizo
Lisa Shaw, Associate Member
City Staff Present:David G. Gould, Planning Officer
Sean Gambrel, HPC & Planning
John Theriault, City Engineer
Chair Boothby called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.
Item No. 1:
Site Development Plan Permit Application –LST, Inc., dba Chase’s Family
Restaurant, applicant -1575 Hammond Street –construction of 432 sq. ft. addition
to an existing restaurant in a General Commercial and Service District.
Item No. 2:
Site Development Plan Permit Application –Husson University, applicant –1
College Circle –construction of a 223 space parking lot in a Government and
Institutional Service District.
Member Huhnmoved approvalof the Consent Agenda, seconded by Member Durgin. Vote
unless doubted, no doubt.
Item No. 3:
Conditional Use and Site Development Plan –900 Stillwater Avenue –Wal-Mart
Real Estate Business Trust –provide online grocery pick-up service in a Shopping &
Personal Service (S&PS) District.
Perry Petrillo, PetrilloArchitects presented application. Restriping of 10 spaces to increase width,
6 spaces covered by canopy for online grocery pickup. Member Guerette asked if the growth in
service was expected, and is would this beenough spaces.Mr. Petrillo, indicated this is what
they’re startingwith, there may be more demand in the future, but they will come back if more
spaces are needed.This is not expected to generate more traffic because typically this has been
used by existingcustomers.
David Gould provided staff report. Conditional use because customer does not leave the vehicle.
No impact on parking minimums or other site standards.
Member Guerette moved for Conditional Use and Site Development Plan approval, seconded by
Member Durgin. Vote unless doubted, no doubt.
Item No. 4:Conditional Use and Site Development Plan –State Hospital Drive –Bangor
Holdings, LLC and State of Maine, co-applicants -construction of a 9,536 sq. ft.
Secure Psychiatric Facilityand related site improvements, located on State
Hospital Drive, on the Dorothea Dix Campus off State Street, in a Government
and Institutional Service District (G&ISD).
Associate Member Shaw told the Board she had a potential conflict of interest, as shewas employed
by the State of Maine.
Member Guerette moved that Associate Member Shaw has a conflict of interest. Member Durgin
Seconding the motionand the remaining members were unanimous in their vote.Associate Member
Shaw left the meeting.
Ed Bearor of Rudman Winchell presented the application on behalf of the applicant(s). Zoning
language change in the past months to allow this facility. This is a PGD with the State of Maine.
Planner’s report gave positive recommendation. Satisfies all site development standards. Roughlyin
the center of a 100-acre parcel.
Richard Borelli, Architect with WBRC, presented various architectural features to show how the building
will blend with surroundings. Paul Monyok, with WBRC also discussed site utilities, grading, storm
water, etc.
Member Guerette inquired how many people would reside in the facility. The answer was 21
David Gould provided staff report, noting that no standards were out of order.
Member Guerette moved approval, seconded by Member Durgin. Vote unless doubted, no doubt.
AssociateMember Shaw rejoined the meeting.
Item No. 5:Planning Board Approval of Minutes –June 19,2018
Meeting minutes were unanimously approved with minor corrections.
Item No. 6:Adjournment –Meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.M.