HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-09-26 222-M ORDERIntroduced by Councilor Delano M -M
(TITLE) Mrbtty Auth 1mg_the. City Manager to Eecutean, Agreement __..
By W Cfty Council of the City of Batgor:
THAT the City Manager be and hereby is authorized to execute
an agreement with owners in the Industrial park area relative to
the development of this land. A copy of the agreement is on file
m.. the City Clerks office.
9uthanizine tAe_City. Manager. to
rt Execut9 9greement with_OxnOrfr in._.
Lquatrial Park
Introduced sad G
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Sept. 26 1960 26� 1960
PASSEL) ...........
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By and Between
F. D. Freese, Agent for the F. H.
Drummond Hairs
Lydia Godsoe
Katandin Couwil Incorporated, Boy
Scouts of America
City of Bangor
(re Crosby Woods area)
Dated, June 9, 1960
June 9, 1960
City of Bangor
Bangor, Maine
Attentions Joseph Coupal, City Manager
You axe endeavoring to develop an industrial park area, so-called, in
Bangox in the area south of the new industrial spur and west of Main Street. Thus
fax various industxial buildings have been built along Farm Road and on Thatcher
The undersigned are the owners of lands located southwesterly of Thatchex
Street on both sides of your proposed "Perry Road" which is the area in which you
are suggesting possible further development at this time. You have furnished us
with a plan entitled "Street and Sewer Lay -out in Industrial Park Area" prepared
by your Engineering Department under date of February 20, 19M and have shown upon
it the proposed lay -out of lots for industrial purposes on both sides of that road.
We understand you would like to be able to explain to interested persons
that there is land available at a reasonable price upon which industrial plants can
be built so as to be able to encourage such persons to build in Bangor and to compute
their costs with a reasonable degree of accuracy. You have asked that we as owners
of the land set a price at which we would be willing to sell the whole or any part
of the land at any time and from time to time during the three year period beginning
Apxil 1, 1%0, and have suggested what the City might be expected to do under such
1Ye are glad to cooperate. In order to eliminate misunderstanding in the
future we are setting forth your proposal, as we undexstand it, and we are willing
to proceed on this basis, namelys
City of Bangor June 9, 1960
1. W will cmrvey to you free of charge a 66 -foot strip of land at the
location presently proposed for Perry Road that you may construct a highway in that
location suitable to handle motor vehicles of all kinds. lxL,
2. During the 3year period beginning April 1, b9fiBk' you will construct
such a highway at such location.
3. Ne understand that the City Council may lawfully assess the lots
abutting such highway in such proportion as the lots are benefitted by the highway,
provided always that such assessment may not exceed one-half the cast of the con-
struction of the highway, but if you do so, you agree to defer indefinitely the
collection of such assessment unless and until lots are sold or built upon, when it
is further understood and agreed that you will collect only so much of the assessment
as relates to the lots sold or built upon. A somewhat similar type of arrangement
was reached when the sewer was laid out and constructed along the same route.
4. Earring the 3year period, subject to any sales which we may make
through a" own efforts, we will stand ready to convey one or more lots to any
private person, firm or corporation you have found who wishes to purchase the same
for the purpose of constructing thereon a building or buildings for use for
industrial purposes and net for resale, at a sale price Mich will produce to us a
sum of $2,500.00 per acre over and above any and all special assessments and/or
betterments that may be assessed against the same fox roads, fewer, water and the
like. It is further understood that taxes will be pro rated as of the date of
sale. We have attempted to arrive at a figure Mich will be fair to the City, to
prospective purchasers, and to us as owners alike assuming the area is developed
both as you are proposing by the construction of a highway and by sale of enough
of the property to stimulate an active market for the balance.
City of Bangor -3- June 9, 1960
5. If a sale is made of any lot it will not be of such a size or
location as to leave any inaccessible or back area undisposed of and any lots
sold on the northwesterly side of the highway will extend to the line of the
Interstate highway.
6. Since the purpose of this agreement is to permit you to encourage
industrial development in the area on the basis of known costs for the prospective
purchaser, there will of course be no commission involved on any sales which may
result from your efforts.
We believe this letter, which will serve as an agreement between us upon
your acceptance of its terms, sets forth accurately the proposal you have made
to us.
Very truly yours,
ID. �ic21�d.�
F. D. Francs, Agent for the F. H.
Drummond Heirs
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