HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-08-26 206-Q ORDINANCE206-Q
Introduced by Councilor Conti, Aug. 26, 1963
(TITLE.) OffiYihtt UM, Amending, Zoning ordinance..- Union Street -and CxLffln,Hoad
a:°P°C°"" " $ eB°anrliat'ift rodensWIPUVV Qho enhecyoeenyoonlanuery),
1954s as amended, be hereby further amended as follows:
— That a change from "Agriou lfural Zone" and "Local Bus lness Zone" to
"General Business Zona", a portion of land on the east side of Union Street
between Griffin Road and Deane's Drive -In being more pari lcularly described
as follows:
To be changed to General Business Zone:
Beginning at a. point the southeast corner of Union Street and
Griffin Road and continuing for a distance of 1,000 feet, more or less,
along the south side of Griffin Road to a point.
Thence along the existing Local Business Zone line in a southeasterly
direction for a distance of 400 feet, more or less, to a point.
Thence in a southeasterly direction for a distance of 665 feet, more
r less, to a point which is the rear corner post of Lot -Ls Rural Sheet 24,
City of Bangor Assessors Maps,
Thence In asoutheasterly direction for a distance of 950 feet, more
r less, Parallel to Union Street to a point.
Thence in a s uthweaterly direction for a distance Of 600 feels more
r less, to a point.
Thence along the rear property lines of Lots 2, 3 and 4 of Rural
Sheet 24, City of Bangor Assessors Maps to a point.
Thence al onq the property line between Lot 4 and Lot 5 of Rural Sheet
Sir City of Bangor Assessors Maps, for a distance of 600 feet, more or lesss
toa point.
Thence In anorthwesterly direction along the east side of Union Street
for a,distance of 2,680 - feet, -m a or Jess, to the place of beginning.
The above being intended to describe. part of Lots I and II, and all of
Lots 2, 3 and 4 of Ronal Sheet 24, Clty'of Bangor Assessors Maps.
1963 AUS 19 PR 3:20
(TIME,) Amending Zoning Ord Inane - Union St.
Aug. 26, 1963
Referred to Planning Board and City
Clerk directed to advertise public
bearing to be held Sept. 9th.
Sept. 9, 1963
Taken free table, public hearing
held, referred to Planning Board
Sept. 23, 1963
Voted to renidin on table
Oct. 14, 1963
Voted to remain on table.
Nov. 13, 1963
Taken from table, passed 2nd reading
by the toll oxine yes and no vote:
Councilors voting yes: Bailey, Barry,
pretense, Conti, Dinsmore, Higgins,
Houston, Hughes, Raniett,
.Nov. 13, 1963
This ordinance having received two
eading$ on separate dates, being
Properly certified as correctly engrosses
as finally PASSED by the following yea
and no vote: Councilors voting yes:
Bailey, Barry, Brountas, Conti,
Dinsmore, Higgibs, Houston, Hughes,
IN CITY COUNCIL, Oct. 28, 1963
Taken from table, amended by deleting the
description and adding the new description.
Passed let reading by the fallowing yes
and n vote: Councilors voting yea:
Bailer. Barry, erountaa, Conti, Dinsmore,
Higgins Neaaba;xNaekea% Ranlett. Delano, Gross.
_ � t
• ` --`
(TITLE.) (Orknan ¢7.. Amending, Zoning ordinance„-, Unicn st. a!b„caiffin Road,
Bettorda byWCity Coua OfWGUyofBa%M,amfo . That the Zone boundary linea
am established by the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Bangor an January 7, 1950, as
amended, be hereby further amended as followat
To be changed to General Business Zone:
Beginning at a point on the theast corner
of Onion Street and Griffin sued
and continuing for a Jlstanc, oP 000 feet, more or less, along the south side of
Griffin Road to a point.
Thence slang the existing Local Bua Zone Line Ina southeasterly direction
- for a distance of 600 Peet, more or leas to a point.
Thanta southeastarly direction for a distance of 665 feat, more or leas,
to a point
Thence in a Southwesterly direction for a distance of 600 feat, more or leas,
to a point.
Thence in a southeasterly direction 535 feet free and parallel to the north
side of Union Street for a distance of 990 feet, more or leas, t0 a point.
Thence along the rear property lines of Lot 2, 3, 0 of Aural Sheet 24, City of
Bangor Assessors maps, for a distance of 300 fest, more or lase, to a paint.
Thence in a southwesterly direction for a distance of 600 feet, more or lase,
to a point.
Thence in anorthwesterly direction along the east side of Union Street for a
distance of 2,600foot. more or leas, to the place of beginning.
The above being intended to describe part of Lot 1. 11, and all of Lot 2, 3,
and 4 of Rural Sheet 20, City of Bangor Assessors papa.
Bangor, the senior of Maine ---the 6 ,,Uay to Maines North Woadt and Seashore Resorb
QIAq of Pampas faim
October 22, 1963
To: The Honorable City Council
FROFt Planning Board
IN REt Rezone few Agricultural and Local Business Ione to
General Business Ione approximately 42 a of land
en the beat side of Union Street between Griffin Road
nd Deana Drivean
Places be advised that the City Planning Board has held a Public
hearing, and given careful consideration to the above request.
It is the opinion of the Planning Board that the use aP this pro.
party for commercial purposes would not be detrimental to the area. This
e w
would not be suitable for residential develpent due to Its Proximity
tothe air force base. The only development in the area, in recent years,
"a been commercial.
The Planning Board respectfully recommends that this request be
Respectfully euWitted,
Welter A. G. Snook
Planning Director
Notice 1s hereby given that there Is pending before the City Council of
the Citv of Bannon Maine. the following ordinance
) tliDINANCE, AmMi g Zoning Ordinance - Union Street and Griffin Road.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Bangor, as foll ws,
that the zone boundary lima as established by the. Zoning Ordinance of the City
of Bangor on January i, 1954, as amended, be hereby further amended as follows:
That a change few "Agricultural Zone" and "Local Business Zone" to
"General Business Zone", a portion of land on the east side of Union Street
between Griffin Road and Deane's Drive-in being more particularly described
as follows;
To be changed to General Business Zone:
Beginning at a point the southeast corner of Union Street and Griffin
Road and continuing for a distance of 1,000 feet, more or less, along the south
side of Griffin Road to a point; thence along the existing Local Business Zone
line In a southeasterly direction for a distance of ADD feet, more or less, to
a Point; thence, in a southeasterly direction for a distance of 665 feet, more
or lees, to a Point which is the rear corner post of Int 1, Rural Sheet 24,
City of Banger Assessors Pepsi Theme in a southeasterly direction for a dis-
tance of 950 feet, more or lees, parallel to Union Street to a point; thence
In a southwesterly, direction for a distance of 600 feet, more or less, to a
point; thence along the rear Property lines of Lots 2, 3 and 4 of Rural Sheet
24, City of Bangor Assessors Mans to a pointy theme along the property line
between Lot 4 and Lot 5 of Rural Sheet 24, City of Bangor Assessors Maps, for
a distance of 600 feet, more or less, to a point; thence in a northwesterly
direction along the east aide of Union Street for a distance of 2,60.0 feet,
more or lana, to the place of beginning.
The above being intended to describe part of Lots 1 and 11, and all of
Lots 2, 3 and 4 of Rural Sheet 24, City of Bangor Assessors Maps.
A public hearing will b held In the Council Ram, City Hall, x9"If Rept. 9,
1963 at 8100 P.M. All persons for or against the approval of this ordinance may
be heard, if they desire.
Aug. 30, 1963 lay E. Alley, City Clerk
' e2oG-4
i:, Banger, the rater of Maine ---the Gateway m Maine's Nord IPeodr and Seashore Resorts
&V of C om, Caine
September 3, 1963
TO: The Honorable City Council
FROM: Planning Board
IN RE: City Council Order 206-0 --
Change from Agricultural Zone and Local Business Zone to
General Business Zone a portion of land on the east side
of Union Street between Griffin Road and Dean's Drive -In
„en tI emen
Please be advised that the Planning Board has he Id a pool is
hearing, and given careful considerafion to the above matter. The
Board would respectfully recommend the City Councilrs approval.
This land is located across from Dow Field and contains three
131 commercial uses; namely, service station, restaurant, and a trampo-
line center.
There are three 131 residential properties Included in this
rezoning, and there were no objections voiced by the three owners.
It is the opinion of the Planning Board that the rezoning of
IN is land would not be detrimental to the surrounding area.
Respectfully submitted,
Walter . G
Planning Director
WAGS :k iz ?/jam
&V of C om, Caine
September 3, 1963
TO: The Honorable City Council
FROM: Planning Board
IN RE: City Council Order 206-0 --
Change from Agricultural Zone and Local Business Zone to
General Business Zone a portion of land on the east side
of Union Street between Griffin Road and Dean's Drive -In
„en tI emen
Please be advised that the Planning Board has he Id a pool is
hearing, and given careful considerafion to the above matter. The
Board would respectfully recommend the City Councilrs approval.
This land is located across from Dow Field and contains three
131 commercial uses; namely, service station, restaurant, and a trampo-
line center.
There are three 131 residential properties Included in this
rezoning, and there were no objections voiced by the three owners.
It is the opinion of the Planning Board that the rezoning of
IN is land would not be detrimental to the surrounding area.
Respectfully submitted,
Walter . G
Planning Director
WAGS :k iz ?/jam