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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-07-09 182-P ORDER192-p Introduced by Councilor Blaisdell, July 9, 1992 CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE.) Mrftre _._.Accepting report of City ^.e neva Brook Tracit saver Easement Be to City Cmnwrt Of the City of Breese: ORDERED, TIIAT the attached report of the City Eaglneer describing a new serer right -of -ray for a portion of the Bovie Brook trunk serer together with a list of property owners and the areae required for the right-of-way, is hereby accepted, Bud the right-af-way established for the sewer location, all in accordance with the provisions of City Council Order X81 -P, passed March 29, 1962. G IN CM CGDILIL July 9, 196E PASSED RECOVED St A -5 PM S" WN OF BANG ROMAINEE o Nn EN Title, Aooepfinq. NeMtt of. Oily. En9lnaerJ. Davis Brook Trunk Sesar Easement .............................. ntrodu9ed and nand by .............Co®US ... f Description of Sewer Hight -of -Nay Beginning at a point on the northwesterly aide of Main Street, said point also being about 395 feet northeasterly from the east- erly aide line of Patten Street as laid out; thence northwesterly at an angle to the right of 103'-30'-30" for a distance of 190.0 feet to a .paint. The right-of-way has been laid out 50 feet wide measured 25 feet at right angles each way from the above des- cribed line. This right-of-way lies within the limits of the pro- posed extension of Warren Street between Main Street and Second Street and Includes a strip of lend 35 feet wide and 192.2 feet long owned by Automotive Center, Inc. and containing 69727 square feet, or 0.154 acres, and a strip of land 15 feet wide and 198.2 feet long owned by the Citizens Dtilitles Company and containing 2,973 square feet, or 0.067 acres. Present at the time and place met for the meeting were Mr. Donald Been, representing Automotive Center, Ino., and Mr. Phillip Heil, Manager of Citizens Utilities Company and Mr. Guy Lewis, Assistant City Engineer. Mr. Been stated that Mr. Conquest handled the real estate for the Tim and, therefore, he amid not speak for Mr. Conquest at that time. Mr. Heil requested that he be furnished with a complete set of plane and other pertinent information for forwarding to the home office of his company. These plane and this information were provided. BCH 006509 Inasmuch as neither of the We persona at the meeting were in a position to speak for or against the easement at that time, it was mutually decided to adjourn the meeting to a later date at which time Mr. Conquest could be present and the home office of the Citizens Utilities Company could study the proposed ease- ment. On June 279 19629 Mr. Conquest and Mr. Heil were notified In writing that the adjourned meeting of March 299 19620 relative to the sewer right-of-way would be reconvened on Tuesday. July 39 1962 at 10:00 A. M„ EDT, in the office of the City Engineer. Neither of the above persons appeared at the time and place set for the meeting to speak in favor of or to oppose the estab- llsbment of the sewer right-of-wey as described. Inasmuch as this new sewer location was established at the request of Mr. Conquest to eliminate flooding of buildings and premises owned by -Mr. Oonquest and since assessments are not to be levied to help defray the cost of this new construction, and since it appears that the abutting property will be benefited to a moon greater extent than the amount of damages which may be sustained as a result of the taking of this sewer right-of-way, it is recommended that the right-of-way as above described be established for sewer purposes and that no damages be paid. An accurate plan accompanies this report. JIM:1 Attachment ep�etAilly submittad� film F// James a MacLeod City Engineer BCH 006510 81-P Introduced by Councilor Brountas, Feb. 26, 1962 CITY OF SAWOR C (TITLE.) ORDER, Authorizing City Engineer to Lay Cut Server Easement - Warren Street By the City Council of the City of Bangor: MERED, THAT, WHEREAS, a petition for the acceptance of Warren Street between Main Street and Second Street has been withdrawn and, WREREAS, a portion of the Davis Brook trunk newer is located within the limits of the area which has been set aside for this public way but new remains private property and, WHEREAS, it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of the Davis Brock trunk sewer to have a sewer easement or right-of-way over the privately owned property, new therefore, it is ORDERED, that the City Engineer, acting for and an behalf of the municipal officers of the City of Bangor, is hereby directed to lay out a sewer right- of-way over private property extending northeasterly from Main Street and across land owned by the Automotive Center, Inc, and the Citizens Militias Co. and be it further ORDERED, that the City Engineer, acting for and on behalf of said munici- pal officers proceed to give written notices of such intentions of said munici- pal officers by posting such notices for seven days in two public places in the City of Bangor and in the vicinity of the proposed weer right-of-way more fully described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northwesterly side line of Main Street, said point being about 3% feet northeasterly from the easterly side line of Patten Street; thence northwesterly for a distance of about 200 feet to the end of the new construction. The right-of-way to be 50 feet wide measured 25 feet each way at right angles from the above described line and cossing lard owned by the Automotive Center, Inc. and land owned by the Citizens Utilities Co. and the City Engineer is further ORDERED, to make a written return of said proceedings containing bounds and ad -measurements for the sewer right-of-way and showing damages ant/or benefits allowed each Person for land so taken, all in accordance with the laws of the State of Maine. 3/(y 162 (�G1ftc T BCH 006511 — , NOTICE M Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the City Council. fir,. #ft.p, _ directing the City Engineer G lay net ��!-Nay.-R.i•y.��y��lV,-ir ! the iMv2a-$aik %MM&'-[pearp Iattita¢'................__._.. ____........-.-.-__-- ___. _..... the City Engineer will meeton.-.r..d.,- ue.-Y9tQ_14%t- W*00-i-r'-F.j-MT& t6-lbr-o W-Yf'-ttr9--City-VAafsitF_-_-___......._.......__._---- --- ...................___.._- and will proceed to lay ouk..._ a...tat1l.'ltl�elnt'OT-13 u,. and determine the damages or benefits any person will sustain by reason Nermf and apportion such damages or beremo, it any according to law, neon the lots or parcels of bond damaged or benefited by such laying out Nodose is hereby given to all pmaons interested in the promises to appear at Ne above man- tloned time and piece of meeting, if may ace rause than and there to be heard upon the subject. / j // f%ry Engineer CITY of To the City Council: Pursuant to an order of the City Consul], passed Marsh 12..1942.11-P .._... directing the City Engineer to lay outs. sever-right.*Lwey- for --part -oY-----_... _.. Davie Brook trunk sewer,_ ertending northeasterly Prom !lain Street City Engineer base leave to report: That of his intention to lay out __44id_ 3"Or._riW-9f-way .......... _..._ the City Engineer gave written notice by notices attached to copies of said order posted for seven Jaya prior to the... 24.t] ol.Marahr 1962-.. ... ..... .... ...................._._ in two public places in the City of Bangor and in the vicinity of said street, to wit: One on Wlletn board_ Clay Hall One on Main St. near Gas House Alleys so-oalled One on Seoond St near Warren St. and also gave notice by causing the some to be published in the BANGOR DAILY NEWS, off" g newspapel3 printed in said city, for one week prior to the.... 29th...... .4f.. Mazuh.......__copy of said order and notions, so posted and published, is hereto annexed and made part of this report. And that the said City Engineer met at the time and place of meeting specified in the carious and presented to lay out said sewer right-of-way as follows: