HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-05-13 116-Q ORDERftdroduccd by Councilor Brountas, May 13, 1963 CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE.) @rbfrt........ Accepting. Report ar city Engineer,.- coat or sewer construction, By I OUY CoueeJ of Be My ofBanpar ORDERED, THAT the attached report of the City Ehglnaai showing the costs of new sever construction on Garland Street together with a list of possible assessments be and hereby is accepted and it is further ORDERED, that a date be set for a public hearing on the proposed assessments. RECEIVED 1963 MAY -9 AM 9: 16 CITY CLEWS OFFICE 'rtY OF 3ANC4. MAINE IN CITY COUNCIL May 13, 1963 Referred to Public Works Committee, Clerk directed to advertise public hearing for May 27th and tabled. ;�:Se 4ma=, IN CITY COUNCIL May 27, 1963 Taken free table, heart" held, PASSM 116-0 ORDER Title, Ncceptin9 Report of G1tq Enylneer- Cost Of. Sewer Conatnetloq Csrland Street Extension. Lntr doted aaded by CITY OF BAEGOH. MAIEE Engineering Department May 8, 1963 pursuant to City Council Order 223-P. passed Sept. 10. 19620 a new sewer was installed an Garland Street easterly of Submit Avenue. The new installation consists of 644 feet of 8" vitrified clay pipe outfa111ng Into the existing woodlawm sewer, with two now standard mash lee and one drop manhole. The actual cost of this installation amounted to five thousand one hundred and thirty- seem dollars end thirty -maven conte ($5.137.37), of which amount 75%, or three thousand eight hundred fifty-three dollars ($3.853), may be assessed against the property benefited,as follows: SOUTH SIDE Beme Frontage Possible Assessment William Hilton 169.2' $475.79 Isura D. Brown ,., 169,0' 475.23 Richard A. Gaillard 125.0' 351.50 Ichra D. Brown 120.0' 337,44 Laura D. Brown (not assessable) 100.0' 281.20 NORM SIDE &gene B.A Anne J. Brown . 62.0' 174.34 Mro. Edith Knowles 150.0' 421.80 Robert J. Feeley 190.0' 534.20 Sarah Gone 111185.0' 520.22 Sarah Goos (mot assessable) .100.0' 281.20 An accurate plan accompanies this report. 4 - Respectfully submitted. John T. inewley Frawley 1 City Engineer JTF:1 Phe. CITY OF RANCOR ' PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that there is now pending before the City Council of the City of Bangor, Maine, the following order: (TITLE.) ORDER, Accepting Report of City Engineer - Cost of Sewer Construction - Garland Street Saturnian. By the City Council of the City of Bangor: ORDERED, THAT the attached report of the City Engineer shaving the costs of new sewer construction on Garland Street together with a list of possible assess- ments be and hereby is accepted and it is further ORDERED, thata date be set fm a pnhl it Iwaving nn HL, n"M •oe c2 aeaeaa- CITY OF BANGOR, MAINE Engineering Department May 8, 1963 Pursuant to City Council Order 223-P, passed Sept. 10, 1962, a new sewer was installed on Garland Street easterly of Summit Avenue. The new installation cwnsists of 644 feet of 8" vitrified cloy pipe outfalling into the existing Woodlawn sewer, with two new standard manholes and ore drop mantole. The actual cost of this installation amounted to five thousand cm hundred and thirty-seven dollars and thirty-seven cents (550137.37), of which amount 75%, or three thouca s! eight hundred fifty- three dollars ($3,953), may be assessed against the pvl erty benefited, as follows: Respectfully submitted, Jahn T. Frawley TIF :1 City Engineer Enc. A Public Hearing will be hold in the Council Ru", City tell, May 27, 1963 at SWIG o'clock P.M. All "room* for or against the approval of this orJer may be beard, If they desire. PER ORDER CITY COUNCIL May 17, 1963 Jay E. Alley, City Clerk Possible Name Frontagg Akbadiament William Hilton 169.2' 8475.79 Laura D. Braun 169.0' 475.23 Richard A. Gaillard 125.0' 351.50 Laura D. Brown 120.0' 337.44 Lama D. Brown (not assessable) 100.0' 281.20 NORTH SIDE Eugene E. 8 Anne J. Brom 62.0' 174.34 Mrs. With Knowles 150.01 421.80 Robert J. Feeley 190.01 534.20 Sarah Gore 185.0' 520.22 Sarah Gore (not assessable) 100.0' 281.20 An accurate plan acew:Waniea this report. Respectfully submitted, Jahn T. Frawley TIF :1 City Engineer Enc. A Public Hearing will be hold in the Council Ru", City tell, May 27, 1963 at SWIG o'clock P.M. All "room* for or against the approval of this orJer may be beard, If they desire. PER ORDER CITY COUNCIL May 17, 1963 Jay E. Alley, City Clerk STS=EET ttEVF£ELk E55ER CO.5. � XtORLt E9EER.LP 5 oggb REI .. NEW PPORLE Pt :m4 X20 NEW NR¢ 'OP LEG A4X20 , nwa mu.aa ' nce rvu[n I ( I II I Q ( I I eL I N k� �i leeo-an 8.x�wq Pe.ua..eA Sriero,v� ' SrM 6�Po I I I I I ii � 1 II I I 41 ( l� I I 1 of I I 1 1 � V��I ARJYMNOrLC - /reb 2rpo Eo N K ,.. r_. glen MN3�SD a<v.= _F ✓ A., rsn�rMv j II 1 'bp(I I G'A,PL ANO I t ! i II, I i I i I ! 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