HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-02-24 92-117 ORDINANCECountn Act on
Date February 24,1992 Item No. 92J1I_.
Item/Subject Amending Chapter VI, Article 8 of the Laws and Ordinances of the j
City of Bangor - Street Openings/Sewer Connections
Respanuble Department: jrSiueeving
The intent of this Ordinance revision Is to update the policy
regardirtg street openings and sewer
connections, including the
upgrading of fees to be consistent with charges made by the
Maine Department of Transportation for similar permits. Of
special note is Paragraph 4.4, Service Availability Charge,
which would establish one-time fees for new
sewer entries in
accordance with the schedule get forth onPage17. Similar
fees are being charged i other communities, which
s intended to reflect theoaf eventually having to provide
replacement capacity at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
It is recommended that this Ordinance be given first reading,
and referred to the Finance Committee for discussion.
IMpexm,,n Ne
Mentor's Comments:Big
�/ d°
s::imed Int -ratio .
Budget Approval:
ae Decrier
Legal App novel:
Cay S,1..i or
IAnOduced For
YxFhetgeadmy - Pao _ef_
Aeeipwdto Councilor Stone February 24.1992
(TITLE.) Vlli Asandins.Chapter VI. Article 8 of the Laws and
Ordinances of the City of Bangor -- Street Openings/Sewer Connections
Be is ordained by W C\a a.aeiloffbe C:a efsan a r. aarwove:.. .
THAT Chapter VI. Article 8 of the Laws and Ordinances of the City of-
-. Bangor be and is hereby amended as follows:
Sec. 1 Permits.
1.1 Peem48-Regafted. Street Opening Permit
It shall be .unlawful for any parson, firm or corporation
to tunnel under or to make any excavation
vation in any street,
alley o other public place in the city without first
having obtained a Street Opening Permit town the City
Engineer. All permits will be issued i accordance with
the provisions of Title 23, Chapter 30Th Subchapter II
of the Maine Revised Statutes Annotated.
The Permit will be Issued by the City of Bangor
Eneineerine Beoartnent.
A Standard Construction Detail will be issued with
the permit. All work shall conform to the requirements
of the Standard Detail.
The Permit must be obtained by the Contractor doing
the work.
Certain streets within the City of Bangor also require a
Highway Opening Pernit issued by the Maine Department of
Transportation. The Enaineerine Department will
maintain a llstlns: of such streets. -
In City Council, February 26.1992
refered to appropriate: committee
tat reading.,
"c ,
'City 'C1 rk
In City Council March 9,1992
Passed as amended
by the Following Yee 6 No Vote
voting yea
Amended by reference to memo
dated March 9,1992
Nemo Attached
City Clerk
Engineering Department
March 9. 1992
City Council and City
James D. Ring, Acting
City Engineer
Council Order 92-111.
Amending Chapter
VI. Article 8
of the Laws and Ordinances of the City
of Bangor -
stceet openings/Sewer
Based on discussion at the March 3rd Municipal operations
Committee. I would propose that Council Order 92-117 be amended
by substitution as fellows:
1. On Page 5 delec4.4 rvice Availability
Charge in its entirety, kLajrd1JeCa Pa a 1] tritely which was
the proposed schedule for sewer availability charges.
2. Replace Subsection 8.1 Replacement of Defective Work
with the new Subsection 8.1 attached, which includes an additional
paragraph providing aone-year guarantee period for defective work.
Contractors who fail to comply with this provision would be denied
future street
opening permits in accordance with. Section 2. Ic is
felt that this approach will provide the City additional protection
against defective work without further burdening the property owner
from the additional cost of perfoEast new bonds, etc., which the
Contractor would pass directly to the'bome own
92 -Ill
1.�2 Sewer £nSFyconnection Permits
All new
re plat ent sanitary or storm sewer connections to
bit' main.
ms hell be subject to all of the regulations
set forth hereinafter relative to private utility
connections, except that prior to the issuance of said
permit, the payment of any outstanding assessments for
the city sewer construction will be required in addition
to the c_-___ app, qg permit fee.
1.#3 11:rr6er.=asnt Limitations
No Street Opening Permit will be issued between December
tat in any one year and April 1st in the following year
except for an ewerema emergency.
Permits issued between November 1st and May let of the
following ill be assessed a Winter Maintenance
The .contractor shall perform any work requiring
t' ti th Cit und 1 weekdayworking
h (].30 to 5.00) less an emergency sltuab on
qri th Th pit reserves the rant to
bill the contractor for additional inspection casts for
inspectionst 'tle these hours.
C t ctor shall schedule work within the street to
oitl ruin hour traffic whenever possible.
Sec. 2 Skill Required
All work in connection with the excavation and backfill
of any opening in a public way shall be performed only
by approved contractors or by the forces of the
particular utility concerned. Adequate equipment shall
be employed so as to expedite the completion of the
work, and proper construction methods shall be used, as
hereinafter described.
The contractor doing the work shall show proof of
adequate insurance coverage before a permit is issued.
Contractors with a work history of two unset iafactorY
similar t street opening or sewer connection projects
within the previous eighteen months wi11 not be lsaued
a street opening or sewer connection permit.
Sec. a -- ty a$ %l,g gl,qimane Inspection of Work Required
All work in connection with street openings and sewer
connections will be subject to the inspection and
approval of the City Engineer or his authorized
representative. The Engineer al ;; will decide as to
the adequacy of the materials to be used, extra safety
precautions which may be required to protect the public,
and the scheduling of the work to be performed. Except
as lie sinaF%e- we No backfilling operations
shalt be allowed prior to the examination of the work
by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall provide timely notification to
the citen order that inspection services can be
Schad ledor the appropriatetime. The permit form
will contain the necessary instructions to the
Sec. 4 Applicant's Responsibility for Street Openings.
4.1 Openings by Utility Companies
Utility companies will be required to obtain separate
permits for each street opening. The utility company
shall be responsible for performing all backfill
operations, including the replacement of roadway gravel
and temporary patching of the surface. The utility
company may also replace the permanent surface pavement,
and in such cases no charge will be made for the street
opening permit. If the utility company desires that the
pavement be relaid by the city, then a Charge will be
made for each permit issued, in accordance with the
schedule contained in Sec. 4.3 herein, to cover the cost
of the pavement replacement by the city. weer
oips-at4ons as that inspeetioi esi be made
The City reserves the right to inspect the work
undertaken by Utility Companies. and to charge an
inspection fee according to Lha bchedule of Charges
in Sec. 4.3.
4.2 Private Connections
Any person, firm, or corporation desiring to open any
portion of a public way for the purpose of installing,
repairing, replacing, examining, or attempting to locate
any private utility connection must first obtain a
permit from the City Engineer. Prior tothe issuance of
said permit, the applicant shall pay to the City
Treasurer of Bangor an amount to cover the cost of the
replacement of the paved surface, inspection services,
and a Winter Maintenance fee where applicable In
accordance wrtTFtTie schedule of charges contained
herein. The applicant will be responsible for all work
except the replacement of the paved surface. No
backfilling shall be allowed without the prior
examination of the work by the City Engineer's
representative. Trenches backfilled without the
Engineer's approval will be subject to the corrective
work outlined in Sec. 7.1 herein.
4.3 Schedule of Charges for street openings and Sewer
The amount to be paid for a street opening/� �
connection permit will be based pupon avement the cCityl Engineer's
EEtfmate Of the quantity of pave w
replacement, 1 inspection fee at the following
applicable unit charges:
Type of Repair Required
Unit Cost
Bituminous ace) �'�'6000e0 per 0
B t concrete base fi0.00 pa vd.
d lk le ) 50 00 ��
-' -y.dv
Curb (Asphalt only)
-2,89 10_00 per lin. It.
winter Maintenance Fee 0 00 er sg. vtl.
inspection Fee '0 00 each
Emergency permits issued during the winter months will
require an additional paymentto cover the cost of
temporary surfacemaintenance b the City
until the patch can be replaced with the permanent
surface In the spring•
Ft the=t' ng
ted street Waring will
be 6' wide b 12' long,
;qU�alllng8squara yards.
The actual opening will be measured by a representative
of the City Engineer. If the actual area Of the Opening
is greater than the estimated area, the additional
charges will be billed. Conversely, underrun6 of more
than ��"} twenty five dollars ($25.00)
will be refunded.
4.3 Schedule of Charges for Street openings and Sewer
The amount to be paid for a street opening/5e—
connection permit will be based upon the City Engineer's
estimate of the quantity of pavement which will require
replacement, Plus an inspection fee at the following
applicable unit charges:
Type of Repair Required Unit Cost
Pei tie 4
Bituminous concrete (surface) R.AA 50_00 per sq. yd.
Bituminous pavement On concrete base 80 00 per sq yd.
S�d lk (B s) 50.00 per sq. yd.
Geld -Pate
Curb (Asphalt only) e.99 10_00 per lin. ft.
Winter Maintenance Fee 10.00 oer sq, yd.
Inspection Fee 30.00 each
Emergency permits issued during the winter months will
require an additional payment to cover the coat of
temporary surface 6aLching maintenance bthe City
until the patch can be replaced with cn� perman;nt
surface in the spring,
F It th t'mated atY6et opening will
b 0 6 12' ion a% Fn9 8 square yards.
The actual opening will be measured by a representative
of the City Engineer. If the actual area of the opening
is greater than the estimated area, the additional
charges will be billed. Conversely, underruns of more
than a a d5lla ($1.R9) twenty five dollars ($25.00)
will be refunded.
4.4 Service Availability Charge
ew connections CO the 58 n1t8r sewer s Stem N111 be
assessed292Z1 b'1 t Car a to cover
Treatmenal ly
t P1 t p 't rase rvetl for new service
R connecreatmtiq The establ,she0 Charge is $1.40 per anon
Bt d tl unit charges for vem ous
ty es of establishments will be m rnLalned by the
City Englnsef.
Sec. 5 Procedures for Excavating and Backfilling
5.1 Protective Measures
It shall be the duty of every person cutting or making
an excavation in or upon any public place, to place and
maintain barriers and warning devices necessary for the
safety of the general public. The barriers and warning
devices shall
awtha-lzed -------'-t ' conform to the requirements of
the latest edition of the Manual of Uniform Traffic
Control Devices.
Appropriate measures shall be taken to assure that
during the performance of the excavation work, traffic
conditions a normal as possible shall be maintained at
all times sows to minimize inconvenience to the
occupants of the adjoining property and to the general
public. If it becomes necessary to close the street to
traffic to permit the work, prior approval of said
closing shall be obtained from the City Engineer. The
Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the Bangor
Police and Fire Departments Concerning Lha closing.
The work shalt be conducted in such a manner so as to
prevent damage to adjacent property and should such
damage occur, the property shall be restored to its
original condition, as directed by the City Engineer.
The amsmit -9 excavated materials shall be placed in a
location so as not to endanger those working in the
trench, pedestrians or users of the street.
It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to comply
with the latest OSHA regu rements that may apply to the
5.2 Excavating.
It shall be unlawful to make any such excavation or
tunnel in any way contrary to or at variance with the
terms of the permit therefor.
Prior to any excavation work all surface pavement shall
be cut to full depth by an approved method.
Proper bracing or shoring shall be maintained to prevent
the collapse of adjoining ground, and dw-exp, wtiwmt the
excavation shall not have anywhere below the surface any
portion which extends beyond the opening at the surface.
Care shall be taken so as not to damage existing
any pipes,cables, or
conduits in the making of such excavations or tunnels,
and notice shall be given to the persons maintaining any
such pipes, cables or conduits or to the city department
or officer charged with the care thereof, which are or
may be endangered or affected by the making of any such
excavation or tunnel before such pipes, cables or
conduits shall be disturbed. No unnecessary damage or
injury shall be done to any tree or shrub or to the
roots thereof.
5.3 Backfilling
Whenever a permit has been issued for a street opening
or sewer connection. and the excavation has been made,
the trench pr opera ng snail be backfilletl with the same
material that was removed from the trench to within one
foot of the existing pavement, except as may be
hereinafter provided..
N i t 1 t stones reater than
6" di ametershall be present in the backfill.
1 t 12 d th match existin base depth.
whicM1ever is greater. with Awa. gravel
^ ent
nformina to the latest Maine Departmof
Transportation t' S ecificat ion for ravel base.
If a permit is Issued during the wintertime and the
excavated material freezes, this frozen material shall
not be replaced in the trench but shall be removed from
the area and disposed of and the excavated area
backfilled with a unfrozen material similar to that
removed to within 12 inches of the surface.
I£ the material excavated contains too much moisture for
proper compaction, it shall be removed and replaced with
suitable backfill material.
5.4 *&mein@ Compacting gackf ill
All backfill" shall be thoroughly •--mer compacted
by equipment
designed specifically for that Purpose.
The first 5 inches of fill over the a structure or pipe
in the trench shall be Mand-tamee4 co acted. The
balance of the backfill shall be EkeFen9A-0-ytamped -ands
placed in 42--irwp
lavers not exceeding 12", and thoroughly compacted.
Puddling of the backfill will not be permitted e:aapt.
All material excavated from the trench shall be replaced
in the trench except for the amount which may be
displaced by the use of gravel for the tap IP 9
installation of gravel base.
All backfill shall be compacted to meet at least 90
percent of total compaction as measured by the
Proctor test.
Sec. 6 Replacement of Surface.
6.1 Hot Asphalt Paving on Rigid Base
When an opening is made on a street where the -aurtase-
base is cement concrete, premixed eunfas, ¢egg of tar or
asphalt or granite block on a concrete base, the base
material eenef,t shall be cut back at least 6-12 inches
beyond the edges of the trench after the backfilling has
been completed and before the new senefat, Permanent
patch is se6aacad placed.
The City Engineer, at the time the permit is issued,
will specify whether the base is to be replaced with
cement concrete or a full depth structural bituminous
concrete patch.
reinfersing steel shall he furnished � A�
sonarste 4n the
hnew le't�h 'hall ho at least Hiphan
aha .=
ec__ _te
tew conefeLe-ekeg-l-ba be
"-e " l t,a.r,.r—for-,ist
Pwod S�MQR us Put no -tq qg BE 99 ."all ho
6 1 01 Replacement with Rigid Cement Concrete Base
When cement concrete is to be used to replace the
excavated base material, all reinforc no steel
encountered when removing the cut back concrete shall
not be cut off but retained and used to tie in the
reinfo rcine in the new concrete patch Reinforcing
shalt be furni shetl in the area to be patched, to
provide the equivalent of 94 reinforcing bars on 12 inch
centers each we Mhere granite blockis encountered
unser the Dituminoua paving, these blocks shall be
removed and the area replaced with cmerit concrete in
accordance with the requirements Ofthis section.
The thickness of the concrete Placed shall be a
minimum MTA
6 inches or a ual to th depth of the
ist no base whichever is greater.
The to surface of the cement concrete base shall be
finished Co allow the p acement o4 e 3 rich D Luminous
Concrete wearing surface.
Cement concrete to be used shall be read -mix t e F
i h early strength, concrete and shall be laced in
accordance w th t e Maine CBParLment of Transportation
Stentlartl 5 ecif icationa 9or Hi hwe s and Bridges, latest
etl tion.
Reinforcing steal shall be free of oil rust, and all
tleletef cus materials when placetl.
Cement concrete shall be protected from all traffic
for a minimum of 8 hours.
After the cement concrete has been placed and before the
Permanent bituminousf t
1 d th tin bitum cus surface shell De cut
Deck an additional 4 inches onallaides with a Pavement
saw, and the cut edges of the bituminous paving and all
axpoaeg Cement concrete 6urfac shell be painted with
asphaltic liquid before theenew bituminous paving is
pieces. Bituminous avi ng shall De erforwd in
accor once with MDOT Standard Boecificettons for
Highways and Bridges.
6.1.02 Replacement with Structural Bituminous Concrete Base
When a full depth bituminous concrete patch is to
e lace LFe excavatetl concrete base the concrete base
s sil be cut back a minimum of 12 inches beyond the
tl a of the trench after backfillin has been cpm feted
an0 sore t e new b Luminous base is placetl. The
thickness of the bituminous concrete base snail be a
minimum of B inches. The top sur ace o t e ltuminous
concrete base shall be tinianed to allow placement o 3
inches of bituminous concrete wearing surface.
Bituminous concrete base shall be Type 8 (Binder)
08VGmGOt p18cGtl 8ntl Compacted in 2 inch layers i
tlih the Maine De t t f T t t'
btantlard bpecificati ons for Highways end Bridges latest
After the bituminous base has been placed and before the
permanent bituminous wearing surface (type C pavement)
1 Ced tM1e existin bituminous surfaCe shall be cut
back an additional 4 inches on all sides with a Pavement
saw no the cut edges of the bituminous paving and all
bit case surfaces shall be painted with
an as naltic li uid before the new bituminous paving is
pl acetl Bituminous paving shall be pa rformetl i
accordancewith MDOT Standartl b f t� f n
Highways and Bridges.
6.2 Bituminous Paving on Flexible Base
When a street opening permit is issued on a street which
has been constructed for heavy traffic and has a
bituminous surface without a cement concrete base, the
same amount of gravel —rock shall be
replaced in the trench as is removed when the excavation
is made where this material exceeds the 12 inch depth H
specified in Sec. 5.3.
all 9-- 94 t'- dqo, painted With an asphalt a
After the gravel base has been placed and before the
permanent bituminous wearing surface (type C Dayement)
is D ac, the existing bituminaua surface shall be cut
back an additional S inches on all sides with a pavement
saw, and the cut etl ea shall bepainted
with an
asphaltic 1 Du d before the new bituminous avin is
Dlacetl bituminous paving shall be Performed i
accordance with HOOT Standard SDecifications for .
Highways and Bridges
6.3 Temporary Surfacing
Fetqql -, qqj w, ,d 4d this temperary patch el -11
Fig IFt I the fell, 4ig )Sar when the pe-manen�
a' RR Seen ng the �4,19411 no ham hPPR GGmpl-t-d
penetrating through the joint. 19 a4l cases i@ s -e a,
Rwr4a 4ent shall be squared up
The contractor to whom a Street Opening Permit has been
ssuedshall Provide a temporary patch of the street
opening Immediately aft the trench has been backfilled
end compacted according to the reguirementa contained
in Sec. 5.3 and 5.4.
The temporary patch shall be ma using premixed
bituminous material (Col patchlwhich shall remain in
lace until the permanent patch has been installed by
the City.
A Winter Maintenance Fee shall be added to all Street
Opening Permits issued between November 1 antl May 1
of the following year to cover maintenance costa Qthe
temporary patch during the winter months.
6.4 Restoration of Other Areas
The Contractor shall
restore all areas of disturbance
stone curb
gravel surfaces
sodded areas,
Shrubbery, fencing,
etc to the
condition prior
to construction.
92 -Ill
Sac ]. Sewer Connections to City Mains.
All work relative to connecting a Aeusa-sawec building
drain or yard drain to a city main shall be performed by
an approved contractor, only under the direct
supervision of the City Engineer or his authorized
The contractor shall furnish all materials and devices
necessary to make a Prover water Light connection -to the
r or storm drain in accordance with the Citv's
Standard Construction Details and approved by the City
Engineer or his authorized representative.
If the city main is damaged or broken by the contractor
Sue-Le-saFe3esswess, then the damaged or broken section
of main will be removed and replaced by City crews, and
the costs of said work will be billed to the applicant.
Any tap to a public sewer or storm drain shall be made
and the connection device as die) Installed in the
presence of the City Engineer or his authorized
Connections to manholes, wetwelis, or other structures
Shall ba proh_b ted unless approved by a representative
of the City Engineer, If 'approval is given, the
structure must be cored and a water tight boot installed
at the location indicated by the City Engineer.
sec. 8
8.1 Replacement
If any part of the work specified above relative to
repairing of filling the trenches or excavations shall
be unskillfully or improperly done, the City Engineer
or his representative may direct that the work be
re -excavated and replaced in a proper manner, or that
other corrective action shall be taken to properly
repair the trench and the pavement surface.
If the applicant does not repair the defective work
within '. ee - twenty four (26) hours of notice,
then the City Engineer w� act to have tfie work
performed by the city, and the applicant shall pay a
penalty equal to the whole of said expense incurred by
the city, with as- 44t' a surcharge of 50 percent.
Thereafter, upon completion of the work and
determination of the cost thereof, the City Engineer
shall issue no permit to the applicant until he shall
receive, in addition to the fees provided, the amount
of the penalty as by this section provided and
The Contractor shall be responsible for the work and
shall holtl the city harmless from any claims resulting
Prom the work
The provisions of subsection 8.1 shall remain in effect
until one ear a ter permanent trent avement hae been
8.2 Violations
Any person, firm or corporation who shall dig or make
an excavation in any portion of the public way, or make
connection to a public sewer or storm drain without
rat obis ling a permit, or w o having o netl such
permit shall disturb a greater area of surface than
specified in such permit, may be pmisled bj assessed a
fine ofa hundred dollars
($100.00) for each offense.
Sec. a penalties
8.1 Replacement of Defective Work
If any part of the work specified above relative to
repairing of filling the trenches or excavations shall
be unskillfully or improperly done, the City Engineer
r his representative may direct that the work be
re -excavated and replaced in a proper manner, or that
other corrective action shall be taken to properly
air the trench and the pavement surface.
,If the applicant does not repair the defective work
within ethos-�ais twenty four (24) hours of notice,
then the City Engineer will act to have the work
performed by the city, and the applicant shall pay a
penalty equal to the whole of said expense incurredby
the city, with men a surcharge of 50 percent.
Thereafter, upon completion of the work and
determination of the coat thereof, the City Engineer
shall issue no permit to the applicant until he shall
receive, in addition to the fees provided, the amount
of the penalty as by this section provided and
The Contractor shall be responsible for the work and
shall hold the City harMIGSgfrom any claim
from the work.
8.2 Violations
Any person, firm or corporation who shall dig ormake
an excavation i any portion of the public way, or make
connection to apublic sewer or storm drain. without
first obtaining a permit, or who having obtained such
permit shall disturb a greater area of surface than
specified in such permit, may be awicked--hy assessed a
fine of 1w- t # - kona hundred dollars
($100.00) for each offense
The City of Bangor's new Secondary Wastewater Treatment Plant will
be completed at the end of 1992. The plant cost is projected to
be $26,000,000.00, including design, construction, legal costs,
engineering, and administration. This calculates at approximately
$1.40 per gallon of capacity.
Reserve capacity has been incorporated into the design of the
facility. It is proposed that new users of the sewer system
be charged a fee based on the amount of the reserve capacity
that will be used, said fee to be termed a Service Availability Charge.
The following table lists several categories of sewer users, the
standard guide for water use in design, and the proposed Service
Availability Charge based on the treatment plant c_epacity_cost of
$1.40 per gallon. -
Residential Average single family 'unit 0
Apartment Complex or Mobil Home rrk (Per Uni�8) ` 223
-Motel / Hotel (Per Unit) 1.',
Hospital (Per Bed) V4 300
Other Institutions (Per Bed) \i� 4� 123
Places of .Public Assembly (Per So" 10
\\� l\
Restaurants (Per Seat) 35
Schools, boarding (Per Student) 75
Schools, day (Per Student) 25
Airports (Per Passenger) 5
Laundry, self service (Per Machine) 400
Shopping Center (Per 1000 sf floor area) 250
Stores (Per toilet room) 400
Theaters (Per Seat) 3
Campsites, RV with hookups (Per Site) 100
Offices and Factories (Per Worker) 15
Industrial Processes (Per 1000 gallon) 1000 $1,400