HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-03-09 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
• Wednesday, March 9, 2011, 5 pm
City Council Chambers
Councilors: Chair Weston, Blanchette, Durgin, Hawes, Longo, Nealley
Staff: Conlow, McKay, Bolduc, Nicklas
Others: Chris Higgins, Mike McCullaugh—Stillwater Enterprises;Zeph Lundy; Kerrie Tripp, CVB
1. Amendment to the Lease Agreement with Stillwater Enterprise, Inc.
BanAir Executive Director, Steve Bolduc, presented this item to the committee. Stillwater
Enterprise, Inc. has been a lessee for 3 years operating a custom fabrication metal business located
at Building No. 269, 108 Florida Ave. They are currently exercising their option to extend their
Indenture of Lease with the City of Bangor for the period of September 1, 2010 to August 31, 2013.
The lease agreement stipulates that the rent during any extension will be negotiated between the
parties. The City has proposed, and Stillwater Enterprise, Inc. has accepted, new terms set forth in
their rent over the 3 year period in two increments. All other terms and conditions of the lease
agreement will remain unchanged. Staff recommends approval of this lease agreement under the
terms and conditions outlined.
Councilor Nealley made a motion to move staff recommendation as presented; seconded by
• Councilor Durgin.
Chris Higgins of Stillwater Enterprise Inc.,then asked to speak to the Committee. Mr. Higgins
requested that, due to the severe economic conditions at this time,that the rent be kept at the
current monthly rate of$1,500 and not increase at this time.
Steve Bolduc replied that Chris Higgins request is not reflected in staff's recommendation today.
The amendment to the lease agreement before the committee today was discussed between Mr.
Bolduc and Mr. Higgins during July and August of 2010 when the economic financial situation was
better. Steve added that Stillwater Enterprise, Inc. is current on their rent and have even paid into
the future. We have not revisited the monthly rate of rent,going forward—if it's the committee's
wish we'd be glad to discuss that with the tenants.
Discussion continued among staff and committee. Councilor Blanchette requested that the BED
Committee and the Council consider this request (due to the current economic situation).
Chair Weston asked the Committee for a vote from those in favor of accepting staff
recommendation in terms of the memo and lease agreement as presented. Unanimous Committee
vote against accepting the amended lease agreement between the City of Bangor and Stillwater
Enterprise, Inc. as presented.
Chair Weston and committee then instructed Steve Bolduc to revisit negotiations with the lease
with the lessee, Stillwater Enterprise, Inc., and then return to the Committee.
2. Propane Easement—30 Central Street
• Asst. City Solicitor, Paul Nicklas, presented this item to the committee. Betsy Lundy, owner of the
building at 30 Central Street, would like to install propane equipment for use at her building in the
former Zoidis Lot at 24 Central Street. The City owns the former Zoidis lot (sometimes referred to as
the pocket park); natural gas service is not available to Ms. Lundy's lot. (The Historic Preservation
Commission will review this request tomorrow.) Paul added that this item will also come before the
City Council so that if there is anything out of the ordinary that the Historic Preservation
Commission they require the Council will have an opportunity to revisit that.
Staff recommends granting Ms. Lundy an easement allowing propane tanks and equipment to be
installed and maintained, all in a form as approved by the City Solicitor or Assistant City Solicitor and
pending approval the by the Historic Preservation Commission. If approved,the City would grant a
five foot by eight foot easement to the Lundy's for the placement of propane equipment at 24
Central Street. The easement would stipulate that the Lundy's screen the tanks with both fencing
and vegetated materials, and that it could be terminated upon 45 days notice by the City.
Councilor Durgin made a motion to approve staff's recommendation on this request as presented,
pending approval from the Historic Preservation Commission. Seconded by Councilor Longo.
Unanimous vote.
3. Convention &Visitors Bureau Quarterly Update
• Kerrie Tripp, Executive Director for the Greater Bangor Convention &Visitors Bureau, presented to
the committee their quarterly update by summarizing highlights of the report (the full update will be
on the GBCVB website effective Thursday, March 10, 2011.)
• Bangor Car Show: Wheels on the Waterfront 2011—scheduled for Sept. 10, 2011. Will have 39
classes of cars. Will also feature added incentives to encourage pre-registration. In 2010,over
3,000 people attended the car show.
• Annual Tourism Awards &Silent Auction: May 3, 2011 at the Gracie Theatre at Husson
• Sports Events/TEAMS: In partnership with the Maine Office of Tourism and the Portland CVB,to
bring new events to our area as well as the whole state.
• National Association of Sports Commissions event—have several appointments lined up from
the U.S. Olympic Committee for some of their regional and lower level competitions to
collegiate sports.
• Cruise Ship Welcome Program: Bangor has 4 ports of call from American Cruise Lines (ACL) that
the GBCVB will be servicing.
• Advertising& Media Coverage: new Visitor& Event Planning Guide for 2011 arrived in Nov.
2010; Digital version also available on GBCVB website.
• Website upgrade and enhancements
Meeting adjourned.