HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-04-10 95-158 ORDERCOUNCIL ACTION Item No. 95-158 Date April 10 1995 Item/Subject: Authorizing execution of Municipal Quitclaim Deed -- Mobile Home Located at 979 Essex Street Responsible Department: Legal The purpose of this Order is to release any interest the City may have in the real estate described in the Order by virtue of undischarged municipal tax liens on record in the Penobscot Registry of Deeds for the years 1990 1991 and 1993 against property owned by David Green. Payment of these liens were made some time ago, but the liens were never discharged because the taxpayer had not paid the administrative quitclaim fee. In addition, the 1993 tax lien was paid off last month. The quitclaim fee has now been paid and the account is current with the exception of the 1995 assessment. Associated Information: Order, Deed Finance Director 1 City solicitor Introduced For CONSENT AGENDA X Passage First Reading Referral Page 1 of 3 95-158 Aeeiptelto Couaefier Frankel April 10, 1995 CITY OF BANGOR Authorizing execution ofMunicipalQuitclaim (TITLE.) Cry..._.__.,_ .................. _..---- -,.... .1 _.. Deed -- Mobile Home Located at 979 Essex Street By w My Caunaa of Me CW ofBangor. ORDERED, TUT Sohn Quartararo, Finance Director, is hereby authorized, on behalf of the City of Bangor, to execute a Municipal Quitclaim Deed releasing any interest the City may have in the .mobile home located at 979 Essex Street (Lob 101) in said Bangor by virtue of undischarged municipal tax liens assessed against the above-described property for tax years 1990, 1991 and 1993. Said deed shall be directed to David Green. IN CITY COUNCIL 95-158 Aptil 10, 1995 O R D E R Is Title, CI 7 CLZAK,5yi4PS#Z#4g.Cd?54##9^.9#.M�9#S#851.941tclaim Deed - Mobile Nome Located at 979 Essex Street. ................ I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. A gud No .tie �...t... Councilman 95-158 The CITY OF BANGOR, a body corporate, located in Bangor, Penobscot County, Maine, for consideration paid; releases to DAVID GREEN, of Bangor, Penobscot County, Maine, all its right, title and interest in certain property located in Bangor, Penobscot County, Maine, more particularly described as follows: Real estate located at 979 Essex Street, 191 Holiday Park: 1978 12x56 Liberty mobile home. Designated as City Real Estate Account Number 97031. Being the same premises acquired by said City of Bangor Coy John Quartararo., Collector of Taxes) for unpaid taxes assessed for tax years 1990, 1991 and 1993 by virtue of undischarged tax liens recorded in the Penobscot Registry of Deeds in Book 4648, Page 76; Book 4838, Page 124; and Book 5343, Page 294. The purpose of this deed is to release any interest the City may have in the above described property by virtue of unpaid taxes assessed for the tax years 1990, 1991 and 1993. All public easements or other public interests in the described premises for roads, sewers, or other purposes are expressly reserved. The said CITY OF BANGOR has caused this instrument to be Baled with its corporate seal, and signed ina its corporate name by JOHN QUARTARARO, Finance Director, thereuntoduly authorized, this day of April, 1995. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of CITY OF BANGOR By John Quartararo Finance Director STATE OF MAINE PENOBSCOT, as. I April , 1995 Then personally appeared the above-named JOHN QUARTARARO, Finance Director, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be hie free act and deed in his said capacity, and the free act and deed of said body corporate. Before me, Notary Public/Attorney-at-Law Printed Name: