HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-18 Sewer Committee MinutesSewer Committee Meating Minutes March 18, 1998 Conacdors Auending: blind Fambam, Iolm Rohmen Staff Attending: Fd Barrett, Brad Moore, John Murphy, Sim Ring Others Attending: Mam Corbin, Tom Bailey, Craig Bailey, Ton Boone 1. Request for Refund of Sewer Payment - 223 Kenduskeag Avenue I'm Ring explained that Mara Corbin owns the property at 223 Kenduskeag Avenue near Montgomery gran Ms. Ought purchased this property 18 months ago and a that time and the time prior to that, it was asmmed that it was hooked to the City sewer She was being billed for City water and the sewer bill is based on water consumption. Ms. Corbin started experiencing problems with sewer backup about 2 weeks ago. City staff assisted her contractor trying to locate where the service was. She is in fact na can City sews. One of the problems besides the malfimctioning private septic system is that when the home was sold, it was subdivided intro two las and cmisequnly the private septic system attends oven onto the adjoining property. Ms. Corbin has the dilemma of either replacing the on-site system or extend to the City sewer, which h450 feet away. There is a provision in the City's rate stmchnethatifthemwmiswithinl00feetofr property,itisconsideredtobeavailable andfhere ismclarge krtlat. Thatismtthecasebemuseofwhmethepropertyishocated. An on-site sevum evaluator has looked at the possibility of a private septic system which would beavery aspersion: system. Otheroptiovs were looked at form cm -site system. One possibilkyto get across to Montgomery is going through an adjoining property. Ms. Corbin is dealing with the adjoining property owner and this may be a possibility Bananas the service has not bem available, Ms. Corbin is requesting a payment refund of sewer charges that she has paid. Jim included a summary, of the sewer payments for the last ant years because the City Solicitor indicated to him that the previous owner may be able to recover up to six years because service was not available. Staffrmommmds gaming the refund to the appropriate parties, which would mean that Ms. Corbin would receive $389.00. Brad Moore has been contacted by the McGregor's who have indicated the interest in getting a refund. Councilor Rohnum commanded that the only fling the City can do is make the recosmaedausa that anile individuals involved get refunded for the overcharge on the sewer bills for Has past six years. Committee approval recommendation. StaB'will continue to help Ms. Corbin as much as possible. Me. Corbin countersued that the City staff has been incredibly helpful to ben and thanks them. Industrial Process Moment Request This use continuation Rfprsvmus discussions. Mr. Bailey, ommen of New Franklin Laundry and Mr. Boone from UniFirst have provided further information to Brad Moore. Brad explained to the Committee Bat both Unpirst and New Franklin submitted similar proposals formeasu ngthe out fall ofthe affluent from that process. New Franklin'sproposalshows how they would bketheh wash waterthrough a chamber that would make it quiescent Bow so that Here are an ripples in We top of the tads and they would have a trenspmder that would be measuring the height and that would be calibrated an that they could gauge the Bow leaving the facility. UniFnst bas a similar proposal. They are using a different type of primary measuring device. The device UniFnst is proposing W use is what is used to of measure Horology for them im to measure the h plum. Brad's rw City would [bat int t im make sure thawbtechnology for them tmeasuretheout Bow thatthea year waled mersenel and have ehat docamncethattheyare wasaedatleast comeayear byequaual; personnel and havethan dowmever road dithers weea moves uw chill the flown based nthe water that re Citywouldnevaobackto whatthesewer userchargewouldbe bests on tedwater used rather Wan on t can out flow. him commented Witt the ordinances contain a provision whereby uaabmemcot Ra abe Round but itmnts. when water lslost meprocess, nclear way a quantifying that by ectal meag the cos. what is proposed feels W. Hailey and ing Boone would accomplish that. During We course of the year, him (eels that if something ummmual isseen, staff tFwoget intouch withthesea permit uals oftimn checkifthem were Mr. would anmdu'We City would e? Brad, if that a period of time ffWere were i mhdr. B ion would come forward, possible? Brad and the Com were wain constrce redo, Co ncil" ess Redd come forward, make the proposal coed We Committer world consider it. d Barren Rohman commented the r this Briley would limit to treat it as a new case. Fd Barrett tobexpleined arapplabmements,Jim ca turedthat this sre plimited sono longmthan l years. There has to bearexpnance to Jimcapturedihed thathand, but aim wale tecnot lgyy tberaquvements of We ddthe recommendation to consider We abatement, but deo We Technology The CowWnx approved the anent. ndation to enter into an agreement with these two companies for this process abatement. 3. Discussion on Council Resolve Supporting We CSO Partnership Amendment to Propose Stormwmer Phase B Rules Staff has prepared a Council Resolve which would support We CSO Partnership's proposal which would exempt small municipalities such as Bangor, which falls under Stormwater B, from Wmeregsinmrmmsuatilafada ofW CSOcomrolprogrem. Thiswasaproposd that came from the City. John Murplryls on dm CSO Partnership Board of Directors and thus husbe pms edand We CSO Partverslip has endowed i[. On February25, John was in BRsmnmatmndanUApubucwmmattsessionandlWsimuewnsbroughtup. Thereisno guaranwe that EPA will incorporate this, but there wilt be a Int of communities that will eadorse n. Ifrhis is acceptable to the Committee, staffwi i forward tWs W PPA and the CSO Parmenship. Committeeapprovedrecownendaaonm CmmcH. 4. StaffActtvida • John Murphy nU be back iv Washington next week for the normal New England Water Environment Association Congressional Briefing. The CSO Partnership legislation for codifying CSO policy mom some loading wlll be disrussd. Sbnm mer B is another issue that wJl be discussed. John asked Committee members to let him know if there is any other issue they world like brought up. John will be making a presentation on the Bangor CSO program to the Congressional briefing. • Brad Moore informed the Committee that the nate has nominated the federal pre- treatment program that is administered here for a national award. Councilor Farnham asked if ad the statements that are granted are added up. Pd explained that a fins man was set up in the budget for abatemats hem it hasn't been being used, but staff will area using this as a way of backing the actual amounts that are refunded. Brad commuted an this fiscal year 563,000 worth of abatements have been granted. Ed felt that another thing to look at tithe secondary metre program and report on that. With an further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. W -Ism