HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-12-23 Sewer Committee Minutes§ewer cominittes
December 23, 1998
Councilors Attending: Nicht Farnham, Tm Tyler
StaffAttevding: Edward Barrett, Tim Bing, Brad Moore
Gibers Attending: Mr. Milles(Whig &Cooder)
Brad explained that at a meeting in November, this abatement was considered and the Committee
darned the request Mr. Milnes than asked for the opportunity to speak before the Committee. Mr.
Mies explained that he used to own the building and the Wing mho Courier Restaurant together,
which made it easier for him to keep control of the utilities. previously, he had a problem with a
leaking mile, fixed the problem and receival an abatement. Since that time, he sold the restaurant.
After receiving awaerbil4 times the normal bill, he contacted Brad who explained to him what the
possible problems could be At that men, Mr. Miles contacted the Water Disttim. They visited the
building and discovered that two [odes were leaking Mr. Mines then contacted the owner ofthe
restaurant, Mr. Geahgm and indicated to him that this needed to be fixed immediately and
permanently. A letter was seat to Brad showing that the problem was fixed and the next sewer bill
was $1500 Jew than the previous. Mr. Milles is suggesting a separate meet just for the restaurant
to show that an effort is being made. He is asking the Committee to reconsider the abatement
Councilor Famham explained that the reason the abatement was denied had to do with the "due care"
part of the ordinance. It was felt that someone should have noticed the leaks much sooner than 4
was. Mr. Miles answered that these leaks, according to the Water District, were slow enough that
they couldn't be head, but fast enough for tits type of damage. Mr. Miles also noted that he does
not have access to the restaurant but epkained to the owner that he needs to keep a closer eye on
these problems. Jim Ring eplamad that the water loss was approximately 2,800 gallons per day.
Councilor Famham asked if it is possible that that much water is leaking with no one noticing it? W.
Mlles pointed out that he has spoken to the owner and is meeting with him once a week to see how
things are going. They now have a cleaving service that checks for things such as dile.
Iw Ring wmmeraed that he thirds this vacuum would be noticeable, but also realizes that Mr. Milles
is an absentee landlord. He strongly encourages the separate meters.
Councilor Tyler asked if there is anything that would prohibit the Communes from splitting the
difference? Brad eplained the there is no chem outline in the ordinance on how to do this. Ed
Sancta explained the criteria that abatements used to mew; a) the problem has been fixed, b) due care
has been utilized, and c) the water that was utilized went back into the system.
Councilor Tyler
and suggests
gmntgthe abatement with the clear understandingthatdue care be used m
the tutee and suggests strongly the second mea be installed. Conation Farnham seconded.
Abatement approved.
Sewer Cammina Native J.(mates
Peg 2
Duzmba23 1938
I In Court Street
This deals with an absentee landlord. The landlord's brother performed the work needed to fm the
plumbing problem and supplied Brad with receipts. This meets the criteria for an abatement. The
abatemml, if granted, would be in the mount of$529.38. Approved.
I -a 7m Ring explained that a Bangor Gardens homeowner has a water leak under his slab. Brad
explained that the owners approached him last month with his concern over the sewer bill.
Brad suggested he contact flus Water District and captained that there was nothing that the
City could do according to the Codman Brad indicmed that he returned yesterday showing
that he has a break m his pipe underneath his slab, which is lis heating system. The problem
is that the owner does not want to do the work that needs to be done right now, which is
understandable given the weather. He question is the disposition of flae bill, which potentially
could be worm before the work is done. Brad indicated that the homeowner would tike to
wmebefore Ne Commit wonwdis,wstlilsproblem. Committee directed staff to speak
whh the owner and ger an agreement as to when the work will b l done and adjust his bill until
the work is done.
2. Jlndate- Sewer Agreement with Sawyer EnAronmentat
This agreement is for Sawyer to pipe directly into the City's system. For the past few years, the City
lass been taking tanker loads of leaching from the landfill periodically and receiving revenue. There
has been discussion about a pipe connection, and, with the Hermon estension, they have done that.
Hampden and Hemon's agreements did not include Sawyers so that a separate agreement could be
negotiated with them. Jim Ring discussed some of the information comm ed in the agreement.
Brad explained that me task force assigned by the Maine Wastewater Control Association introduced
an amendment to the original law. The original was written before the Clem Water Am and stated
that no memory can be discharged. The Dl interpreted that as no memory discharge over whatthe
head waters of the stream has in h. The amount act was 15 parts per trillion. Questions were raised
where thus numbs 15 came Horn From the sampling that has been done to date at 60 sites, the mean
is just a little less than 2 parts per tribes. The DEP now states that ifyou discharge over 2 pans per
trillion, you are in violation of the law which means that treatment plains in a lot of towns are in
violation. The amendment strikes the language of not discharging over the normal concentration -
EPA standards are developed on health risk criteria, 12 pmts per trillion. Jim Ring feels this could
have sigrti5cam monomic impact io Bangor. Staff will continue to update the Committee on this
Brad commented that Mr. Tuckerman from Hermon contacted him last week and requested
a proposal for maintaining their pump station, which would mean more revenue. Staff is
working can the proposal.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjoumed.