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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-10-08 Municipal Operations Committee MinutesMUNICIPAL OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES October 8,'1996 Councilors present: David Leen, Pat Blanchette, Christopher Popper, Timothy Woodcock, Jim Tyler Staff present: Erik Stumpfel, Robert Farrar, Dort Winslow, Randy Harriman, Paul rosier, Mike Roggin Others present: The meeting convened at 5:00 p.m. 1. Taelcab Driver License Appeal Police Lieutenant Winslow explained that when John such had applied for a taxicab license in 1994, he Lad listed a couple of criminal convictions. After Mr. Sauk had been in possession of his taxicab license for a few months, the Bangor Police Department received complaints that his vehicle was spotted numerous times at the Ramada Its. Because of a past conviction for "peeping tom" activity, there w s that this was occurring at the Ramada. Lt. Winslow said that,e although Mr. Runk was not later identified as being part any illegal activity, his vehicle was there. After going Lack and reviewing his license, the Police Department decided not to renew Mr. Amok's license. In August 1995, Mr. Sauk indicated that he wanted to appeal the decision; however, he never submitted the required written appeal. In September 1996, Mr.Ruuk applied again and was turned does. He submitted a written request for appeal and was informed that the first hearing would be held at this Municipal Operations Committee meeting. Voted to refer to full Council so that Mr. Rusk has the opportunity to be present. 2. Council Ordinance 96-384 Amending Juvenile Curfew ordinance (Chapter VII, Article 5, Section 1 of the Laws anal Ordinances of the City of Bangor) Councilor Blanchette described problems at the Broadway Shopping Center, including night managers' vehicles being turned Over, � striS of Shopping arts being turned Over,etc. She said she didn't thick a downtown curfew would "do a bit of goo&. She felt the curfew needed to include a stipulation that Parente pay a fine if children violated the curfew. She said she's 'tired of being the guardian of everybody's children' and that the City should be too. Police Chief Harriman said that mall Owners could impose rules regulating children's presence. Councilor Blanchette said this agenda item should be postponed until mall and shop Owners could be contacted for their input. Chief Earriman said that other issues s that would have to be addressed include where to house the Juveniles that are detained, and how to provide more police for enforcement. Erik Stumpfel said that, legally, juveniles have to be segregated from other jail inmates and must be under constant surveillance. Chief Harriman said the s state le called for areas the and counties to help fund em to Span any juvenile detention areas the state might construct. Item poseponed. No date 6¢t for further review. (councilor Tyler departed) 3. HER Ballot for 1996-1997 Slate of Officers and Voting Delegates voted to cast ballot for the slate of officers as proposed and voted to nre Councilor Charles Sullivan as voting delegate, with ed Barrett as alternate. 9. Continued Review of Revised Personnel Ruled and Regulations Bob Farrar reviewed several Stems: cation and floating holidays - Some employees felt that one way top-stap employees could be recognized is to institute a fifth week of vacation. Councilor Woodcock thought that constituted a very significant-, period of time, when added to the 12 holidays. He felt the major motivating factor for city employees is professionalism and pride in the job, not how many days vacation Or Sick time a person is allowed to earn. Councilor Blanchette said going to five weeks would be following industry standard and she felt it important to somehow compensate long-term employees. without merit raises, a long-term employee's paycheck is reduced when cost of living increases. She pointed out that the city bas many qualified, dedicated Personnel au[ that there must be some entive for senior employees to regain. Regarding floating bolidays, councilor Popper though[ there might be problems in trying to Staff offices Such a Treasury. Bob Farrar said that, based on employee input, the suggestion for two floating holidays would be delated. He will Survey several large businesses and municipalities to get information about their vacation benefits. Bob said that current regulations are ^aketchy" regarding comp time and Overtime. The Fair Labor Standards Act requires that the City be more specific in addressing these issues. It was suggested that exempt employees who work more than 95 basis receive comp time o one-to-one baefa. Councilor Blanchette said salaried employees at bar company are required to work 53 hours per week. She thought something in between would be more appropriate. She also said she a nothing wrong with Bob or Ed or Erik coming in at nine or [en o'clock if they bad been at a late night meeting the evening before. Bob said that practice would cause rale problems and be perceived as a double standard. Pat said that may have been the old thinking, but that people could adjust. Bob said a new computer program could track comp time just as it currently does sick time and vacation time. Councilor Popper felt that being an salary meant working whatever hours aid necessary to get the job done. Pat wanted there to be a cap on the amount of camp time a person could accroa. Bob indicated that the proposed rules and regulations for exempt employees proposed a cap of 40 hours. Bob also discussed the compensation time/overtime proposal for non-exempt employees. There appeared to be no problem with that section of the Rule$ and Regulations. The Committee asked Bob to survey other municipalities and large businesses to see what e typically provided for non-exempt employees with regard to compensatory time. Other Topics The Committee decided a number of other issues including 6.9.2 Bumping Rights - delete this section 7.1.2 Holidays - to retain 12 established holidays 7.101(d) Sick leave - to retain the 120 day sick leave accrual amount instead of the 150 day limit proposed. The payout upon retirement would remain at 40 days, not 50 as proposed. 7.10.1(j( The Committee endorsed the sick leave bonus provision. 8.2.3 grievance Procedure - Council level. The Committee discussed this topic at length and asked Bob to survey other communities to see whether a separate Personnel Board/Appeals Board arrangement is used instead of a Council Committee and what the benefit/ limitations of such an arrangement would be. 9.6 Nepotism. The Committee agreed with the languageas presented. Bob indicated that as seem as the survey work was completed onvcation, exempt compensatory time and appeal boards, he would meet again with the Committee to review the findings. Committee adjourned at 6:30 p.m