HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-22 Finance Committee MinutesSOMMPRY
Finance Committee
Corsets 22, 1988 at 4:00 p.m.
Councilors Present: Wm. Shubert, Jane Saxl, Jeff Sosnaud, Arthur Tilley
Staff Present: Edward Barrett, Dave Pellegrino, Ted Jellison, John Lord,
John Frawley
1. Purchase of Computer Tetmiral5—Police Department. The police Department
proposed at a cost or $438.00 each. The
funds for such purchase world mare from cancellation of the lease of a
Dataspeed 40 teletype communications unit which currently costs $582.00 per
month. This unit is required for telecommunications with state and federal
criminal information networks. It is no longer required due to the new
computer which has teen installed in the Police Department. 'The new
terminals will allow for inquiry into the criminal information networks and
also allow for word processing end automated report writing. Jame Sail
moved that this recommendation be adopted and was seconded by Arthur Tilley
and approved.
2. Offer of Property Donation by Carl Snow. The proposed donation of
property by Carl Snort in the area of Stillwater Avenue and 1-95 was
discussed. Staff indicated that acceptance of this offer would have several
benefits. First, it would corplinent existing City property in the area and
insure that the area remained available to the citizens as open space;
second, for technical reasons, control of the land might be valuable in
terms of our overall sewer separation program. After considerable
discussion, Arthur Tilley moved that the offer he accepted and it was
seconded by Jane Seal. In addition, a request was nede that staff request
of Mr. Show access to the property from any road which might he constructed
n the area Finally, the cancensus of the Council members present owes that
the suggestion of Mr. Show as to the name for this area not be accepted if
at all possible.
3. ranking Lases Agreoment--Richard Zabot. A draft of a lease for parking
spaces in the Columbia Street Eeck to Mr. Zabot for use by his residential
tenants was discussed. The lease would provide three spaces adjacent to the
connecting walkway between the Cock and Mr. Sabot's structure. The term was
originally proposed to be five years with a mutual option to extend the
lease for additional five years. Rental was set at $45 per space for the
first two years, $50 per space for the remaining three years, or at the
Standard permit fee for the Teck should three ever exceed the specified
ctarges. Daring the discussion, the suggestion was made that the additional
five year option be removed and that language be inserted to insure that
tenants would relocate their vehicles in order to allow for sew re oval.
These changes are to be incorporated into the lease agreement and the
agreement is then to be forwarded to Mr. Zabot for his review and rrnment.
4. Bids:
Bid wee awarded for purchase of a Cabin Heater for the Airport to
replace an existing unit which no longer functions.
Bid was awarded for Security Screening Equipment for the Airport which
is required by the FPA.
Moving expenses for Ren Gign owes discussed and accepted by the Finance
the Soft Drink Concession Contract at Sass Park was tabled pending
resolution of the City's advertising policy and clarification of the terms_
and conditions of the proposals.
5. Kenduskeaq Intercepter Sewer Extension—Cost Study. the Finance
Committee approved the City Engineer conducting the necessary surveys and
preparing plans and cost estimate for extension of the Kenduskeag
Intercepter Sewer to Service the Dozier Trailer Park on Finson load. It was
specifically understood Nat such study would not cmmlt the City to
participate fn the project. Once the results of the study have been
completed, they will be forwarded to the Council.
6. [eeae fon City of Bangpr to �rlings--BanAfr Industrial Park. Me
;wittee disomsea a letter re 'ved from Sohn rerl%g declining to further
negotiate the terms of a lease purchase agreement on property in the aaMir
Industrial Park. After substantial discussion, it was the concensus of the
Crm dttee that steps be taken to secure an outside legal opinion as to the
City's status in regard to the lease purchase. A request was made by the
Committee that information be gathered regarding the potential cost of Such
an opinion.
C ilor Sosnaud also requested that background information as re the
ciromstances surrounding Darlings' original entry into the lease agreement
be provided. In particular, he was concerned regarding the economic climate
of the time as well as the policy incentives which may have been discussed
to provide for Darlings moving Into that location.
]. Purchase of Woodchiopar. Me Finance C®nittee awarded bid for the
purchase of a woodchipper. 'ibis chipper will be used by Public Works in its
tree work, and will provide chips to the Sewer plant for use in the sower
sludge ®posting operation. It is anticipated that this piece of eyuipuent
will pay for itself through eliminating costs of buying woodchips and
reduction in time and equipment required to remove trees within a one to two
year period.
Edward A. Barrett, City Kaiager
sil O
Finance Committee
December 22, 1988 at 4:00 p.m.
Councilors Present: M. Shubert, Jane Saxl, Jeff Sanaud, Arthur Tilley
Staff Present: Edward Barrett. Cave Pellegrino, Ted Jellison, John lord,
John Frawley
1. 4[chase of Canputer Terminals—police 4pirtment. The Police Department
proposed purchasing six ommgswter to nels at a cost of $438.00 each. The
foods for such purchase would cine from cancellation of the lease of a
Dataspeed 40 teletype communications unit which currently oats $582.00 per
month. This unit is required for telecommunications with state and federal
criminal information networks. It is no longer required due to the new
computer which has been installed in the Police Department. The new
terminals will allow for inquiry into the criminal information networks and
also allow for word processing and automated report writing. Jane Fast
moved that this recommendation be adopted and wee seconded by Arthur Tilley
and approved.
2. Offer of Property Donation by Carl Snow. The proposed donation of
property by Carl Snow in the area of Stillwater Avenue and I-95 was
discussed. Staff indicated that acceptance of this offer world have several
benefits. First, it would ocnpirment existing City property in the area an!
that one area remained available to the citizens as open spacer
for technical reasons, control of the land might be valuable i
terms of our overall sewer separation program. After considerable
discussion, Arthur Tilley moved that the offer be accepted and it was
seconded by Jane Saxl. In addition, a request was made that staff request
of Mr. Scow access to the property form any road which might be constructed
n the area. Finally, the co census of the Council members present was that
the suggestion of Mr. Snow as to the name for this area not he accepted if
at all possible.
3. Parking Lease Agreenent—Bichard 2atot. A draft of a lease for parking
spaces in [he Oalwibia Street 4ck to Mr. Zatot for use by his residential
tenants was discussed.. The lease would provide three spaces adjacent to the
connecting walkway between the Dock and Mr. Zabot's structure. The term was
originally proposed to he five years with a mutual option to extend the
lease for additional five years. Fetal was set at $45 per space for the
first two years, $50 per space for the remaining three years, or at the
ee standard permit fee for the Back should those ever exceed the specified
charges. During the discussion, the suggestion was made thatMSF the additional
five year option be snored and that language he inserted to insure that
catenants would relocate their vehicles in order to allow for removal.
These changes are to he incorporated into the lease agreement and tie
agreement is then to be forwarded to Mr. 2abot for his review and comment.
4. Bids:
Bid was awarded for purchase of a Cabin Beater for the Airport to
replace an existing unit which no longer functions.
Bid was awarded for Security Screening Equipment for the Airport which
is required by the FAA.
Moving expenses for Ren Gibb was discussed and accepted by the Finance