HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-09-12 Airport Committee Minutes City of Bangor Airport Committee rd City Council Chambers 3Floor September 12, 2017 Meeting Minutes The following City Councilors were in attendance: Airport Committee Chair Sean Faircloth, Councilors Sarah Nichols, Ben Sprague and Dan Tremble. Also in attendance were City Manager Cathy Conlow, Airport Director Tony Caruso and Airport Marketing Director Risteen Bahr. Agenda and Discussion: 1.Airport Passenger Demand Analysis Airport Marketing Director Risteen Bahr presented an overview of the Analysis Study.The Study looked at the Current Situation (Service, Airfares and Airlines), the top 25 Domestic destinations, the 10 International destinations, and our Opportunities for expanded service. This study shows an improvement over the last study period in 2010. This year’s study shows 47% of people in our catchment area use other airports; in 2010, that number was 62%. Committee members asked about possible restoration of flights to Boston and Detroit. 2.Airport Statistics –June, July and August Marketing Director Risteen Bahrreported that we now have four months (May-August) in yellow which means highest passenger counts in the past 10 years. At the end of August, we were 7.4% higher YTD than 2016 and 5.9% higher YTD than our 4-year average, which also included some very good years. Airport Construction Projects Update 3. a.AIP#71 – taxiway lighting: We are in early construction phase. This project will replace all the old blue taxiway lights with new LED lights. b.Long term parking lot rehab: We will be doing this in two phases. Construction has begun on Phase 1 - the back half of the long term lot. We have made the short term lot a long term lot so have moved the short term parkingto spaces around the terminal and parking lots. October 31 is the anticipated project completiondate. Councilor Tremble asked for clarification regarding smoking areas in front of the terminal and an update on terminal interior renovations. Meeting Adjourned.