HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-11-21 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Monday, November 21, 2011, 5:30 pm City Council Chambers Minutes Councilors: Chair Gratwick, Durgin, Longo, Sprague and Weston (sitting in for Hawes) Staff: Conlow, McKay, Wallace Chair Gratwick stated that the Regular Agenda, Item 2, would be taken up first as Councilor Durgin has to leave early. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Community Development Residential Rehabilitation Loan – 80 Boutelle Street A motion was made by Councilor Longo to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Seconded. Unanimously approved. REGULAR AGENDA 2. REFERRAL – ORDINANCE 12-007, Amending Map Entitled “Downtown Parking Management District “ by Adding Four Spaces and Designating 14 Spaces as 90 Minute Parking Near Kenduskeag Stream Rod McKay introduced this item to the Committee stating that this is a City Council referral. A request from members of the Hammond Street Senior Center to change the parking duration on Kenduskeag Plaza on the West side between the foot bridge and the York Street vehicle bridge from 60 minutes to 90 minutes. There are 11 spaces along the west side of Kenduskeag Stream and there are 3 spaces that were not designated on the City’s map at the bottom of the steps coming down from State Street onto the plaza. Staff has reviewed this and has prepared the Council Order necessary to amend the time duration for those spaces from 60 minutes to 90 minutes. Councilor Durgin expressed appreciation for this issue coming before the Committee as it will enable the citizens that come to the Senior Center to have accessible parking. It also brings that area into compliance with the other 90-minute spaces that are located on State, Harlow and Hammond Streets. Councilor Longo and Councilor Sprague both feel that this issue should go before the Downtown Bangor Partnership Board to determine how they feel about the 60 minute versus 90 minute parking in that area of the downtown. Councilor Durgin added that this change is correcting what was an oversight in the original change of spaces in that area from 60 t0 90 minutes parking. He added that he feels it is time to revisit the entire downtown parking issue. A motion was made by Councilor Longo that this item be referred to the Downtown Parking Advisory Committee. Seconded by Councilor Sprague. After some discussion on the pros and cons of Councilor Longo’s motion, he then withdrew his motion. Councilor Weston made a motion to move staff recommendation moving Ordinance 12-007 to approve 14 spaces for 90 minute parking near Kenduskeag Stream. Seconded by Councilor Durgin. Unanimously approved. Discussion continued. Councilor Gratwick asked that for the next year that a brief 2-3 sentence summary of each of our Action Items be placed in the next week’s agenda packet so that, for example, those who are here now know that we have okayed 14 spaces for 90 minute parking at the Kenduskeag Stream Plaza. That the discussion today is leaning towards having future meetings on the overall parking issues with the downtown merchants and the Downtown Parking Advisory Committee and needs to be taken up within a certain time. To enable this to happen, some sort of reminder should be made to the BED Committee. Rod McKay asked Councilor Gratwick if he would like to have something similar to the Council meeting minutes that are rather brief -- they state only the action that the Council has taken. Is this what he would like to see – that we put down the Council action on the Action item that was before you and also make a note of any of the other issues that come up that need follow up? Councilor Gratwick replied ‘yes’, but that he does not want to be redundant as there are already very detailed analysis of these meetings and he does not want to recreate that but wants some notation that there are several different topics we’re following up on. Councilor Sprague added the parking issues also pertain to business development and safety in the downtown, so it is a major issue that is going to require our attention beyond referral to the parking advisory committee. City Manager Conlow stated that staff will work with Councilor Gratwick to find a format to keep it on the radar and keep the Council informed as to what will be coming to the BED Committee. Councilor Gratwick further added that anyone who wants items to be on an agenda to let him know and he will either assign them to the Downtown Parking Advisory Committee or bring them back to the BED Committee. He will also work with the staff to make sure that is okay. Meeting adjourned.