HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-01-05 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes
Wed., January 5, 2011, 5:00 pm
City Hall Council Chambers
Councilors: Chair Weston, Blanchette, Bronson, Durgin, Longo, Gratwick
Staff: Conlow, McKay, Bolduc, Patterson, Nicklas, Ring
1. Authorization to Issue a Request for Proposals for Downtown Signage
Rod McKay & Shirar Patterson reviewed this item for the Committee as follows: The current
signage system in the downtown area is fragmented and inconsistent; gateway signs are damaged and
need replacing; the kiosk in W. Market Square needs replacing.
A signage system linking the waterfront and downtown was approved by the City as part of the
Waterfront Master plan in 2003. To date, elements linking the Waterfront to downtown have been
installed on the waterfront and have yet to be incorporated into the downtown district. In 2010, the
City Council approved an allocation of $25,000 in Federal Community Development Block Grant funds
for downtown signage improvements. Staff is now seeking authorization from the BED Committee to
issue an RFP to move the signage design phase forward. Staff hopes to issue the RFP by January 7,
receive proposals by January 26, and secure a vendor by mid-February (these dates are flexible if
Committee wishes to change). For sign production and installation phase, funding will need to be
appropriated either through the FY 2012 budget process or from Downtown Bangor Municipal
Development Tax Increment Financing District revenues where signage is identified as part of the
Development Program.
Further suggestions from the Committee were: that the RFP be sent out to local vendors; have
2-3 places around the City for Community Bulletin Boards; Informational Events Directory (perhaps
electronic) at Bass Park and the Waterfront, and provide information on other pertinent community
happenings; have signage at the Bangor Mall listing places to visit in the downtown.
Councilor Bronson made a motion to approve staff’s request to issue an RFP for Downtown
Signage for the plan, design and specifications. Seconded by Councilor Longo. Unanimous Committee
2. REFERRAL – ORDINANCE 11-034, Amending Chapter 291, Vehicles and Traffic, Section 291-37,
General Provisions, of the Code of the City of Bangor, By Incorporating the Downtown Parking
Management District Map
Assist. City Solicitor Paul Nicklas reviewed this item for the Committee stating that this
ordinance will clarify that the Downtown Parking Management District Map is part of the City’s parking
ordinance and will reflect the date as shown on the map. The map shows the location of parking spaces
in the downtown area and any limitations that apply to them. Updates to the Downtown Parking
Management District Map are made on a regular basis.
Councilor Longo made a motion to approve staff’s recommendation for Ordinance 11-034,
Amending Chapter 291, Section 291-37 as presented. Seconded by Councilor Bronson. Unanimous
Committee vote.
3. Approval of Agreement and Consent with Gary Hagan and the United States
Economic Development Officer, Steve Bolduc reviewed a request from Gary Hagan and his
lessee, the US government represented by the General Services Administration (GSA) that asks for the
City of Bangor’s consent to a sublease between Mr. Hagan and the United States. Mr. Hagan has been a
long time lessee of the City of Bangor; in the BIA Commercial/Industrial Park he constructed a building
there and has leased it for a number of years to the United States where they house their Dept. of
Agriculture. The GSA has requested the ability to take over the lease should there be any default by Mr.
Hagan. This is something the City routinely does with financial organizations that are financing the
construction of a building; should there be any problem with the developer they can take it over. Staff
recommends approval of the sublease.
Councilor Bronson made a motion to move staff recommendation regarding their request for a
sublease as presented and recommends this to the full City Council. Seconded by Councilor Longo.
Unanimous Committee vote.
4. Waterfront Improvements – Continued Discussion
Rod McKay reviewed. At the last meeting of the BED Committee on Dec. 22, the City’s
Waterfront design consultant, Pam Shadley of Shadley Associates, updated the Committee on the
improvements that have taken place on the Waterfront as well as explained what is needed to complete
the Waterfront Park. Subsequent to that there were some issues raised as to where to go in the future
as follows:
Waterfront Wet Playground/Splash Park:
Committee directed staff not to proceed further with this as shown on the Master Plan as the
City currently does not have the funding available. This project is on hold until staff finds funding
and provides this information to the Council along with the operational costs, and receives
authorization from them to proceed with the design work and bidding.
Strengthening connections:
The need to strengthen the connections between the historic waterfront and downtown
core is recognized and hopefully will be accomplished as funds are available. In the concept
master plan there are improvements proposed on the downtown core side of Washington
Street for improvements that will provide for a stronger connection between the waterfront and
downtown. Rod outlined the other areas of the Plan that have been given priority. The need to
strengthen the connections between the historic waterfront and downtown is recognized and
hopefully will be accomplished as funds are available.
Connections between waterfront and adjacent neighborhoods:
An overview of the Bangor Trails Project was provided along with explaining the existing
connections and limitations on the Waterfront. Staff asked for the Committee’s guidance on
this issue. Councilor Bronson responded that his concern is with the connection with adjacent
neighborhoods of the waterfront. For example, to get some of the current railroad crossings
‘friendlier’ for those wishing to perhaps bike to the waterfront from adjacent neighborhoods.
City Engineer, Jim Ring responded to points that Councilor Bronson brought up and how it is
more specifically tied to the waterfront. He reviewed the Bangor Trails Project report that was
done two years ago; it contains information that the Bangor Trails Committee gathered from
residents over a two year period on where they want to go from area to area. Bangor Trails is
also looking beyond Bangor’s boundaries to make connections to adjoining communities. There
is a lot of interest in getting to the waterfront park and the more that is completed will result in
even more demand. It was also noted that improved signage will be a plus.
Signage announcing the availability of Waterfront Development sites of development:
Rod McKay did a power point presentation on available development sites on the waterfront.
There are 3 small sites along Front Street available for private development; a site on Summer
Street; a larger site along Main Street adjacent to the public performance area; and a site at the
old Roundhouse site. Part of the document that is provided to developers is the City ordinance
explaining conditional uses and permitted uses on the waterfront. Staff will proceed with
signage advertising the availability of sites at the waterfront for development with concurrence
by the Committee.
Meeting adjourned.