HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-02-09 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes
Wed., Feb. 9, 2011, 5 pm
Council Chambers, City Hall
COUNCILORS: Chair Weston, Blanchette, Bronson, Durgin, Hawes, Longo, Nealley
STAFF: McKay, Patterson, Bolduc, Nicklas
OTHERS: Steve Ribble, Chair of Commission for Cultural Development
1. Cultural Commission Grant Recommendation for Penobscot Theatre Company 2011
Steve Ribble Chair of the Commission for Cultural Development reviewed Items #1 & #2 as follows: At
the Cultural Commission’s January 26, 2011 meeting the Commission reviewed two applications that
were submitted in advance of the January 1 grant deadline. Penobscot Theatre submitted a grant
application request for $25,000 to assist in the production of “To Kill A Mockingbird” and associated
programs; and the Bangor Symphony Orchestra submitted a grant application for $7,500 for their
project “Know Your Orchestra” voucher program. The Commission noted in its review process that both
projects met funding criteria and priorities as well as being collaborative in nature and reaching a broad
cross section of the community. Both projects are also seeking diverse sources of funding in addition to
City support.
Due to limited funding within the cultural appropriation, the Commissioners elected not to recommend
fully funding each application. The Commission voted to recommend funding Penobscot Theatre
$18,000; the Bangor Symphony Orchestra $5,000. The Commission requests that the Business &
Economic Development Committee support the Commission’s recommendation to the Bangor City
Council. (Approval of these grants will bring the Commission’s remaining budget to $24,950.)
Chair Weston abstained from voting on this item due to a conflict of interest. A motion was made by
Councilor Nealley and seconded by Councilor Longo that Chair Weston not vote on this item.
Unanimous Committee vote.
Councilor Blanchette assumed the role of Chair in order to complete the voting process of this item.
A motion was made by Councilor Durgin to approve the Cultural Commission’s recommendation for the
Penobscot Theatre Company in the amount of $18,000 as recommended for approval to the Full City
Council. Seconded by Councilor Nealley. Unanimous Committee vote.
2. Cultural Commission Grant Recommendation for Bangor Symphony Orchestra 2011
(Information as stated in Item #1.) A motion was made by Councilor Durgin to approve the Cultural
Commission’s recommendation for the Bangor Symphony Orchestra voucher program in the amount of
$5,000 as recommended for approval to the full City Council. Seconded by Councilor Nealley. 3 to 1 in
favor for passage.
At this time, Councilor Weston re-joined the Committee meeting to continue as Chair.
Following the vote, Steve Ribble was asked to expand (as information for the Committee) on the goals,
missions and proceedings as a whole of the Commission for Cultural Development.
3. REFERRAL – ORDINANCE 11-019, Amending Parking Schedule X, Off-Street Parking Lots, to
Change Atler Lot from 30 Minute Parking to 60 Minute Parking and Parking by Permit, and
Parking Schedule VI, Parking for Persons with Disabilities
Rod McKay, Director of Community & Economic Development presented this item to the Committee.
At the December 8, 2010 BED meeting, parking changes were discussed for the Atler Lot. These changes
have come about due to the relocation of the post office from the federal building. Based on feedback
from the Committee’s discussion, the following revised recommendations for time regulation for the
Atler Lot are proposed for the Committee’s approval. The 12 spaces on the Harlow Street side of the lot
be designated 60-minute free parking with 1 designated to be a handicap space; the remaining 11
spaces in the rear of the lot be designated as monthly permit parking at a rate of $55 per month. Permit
spaces will be assigned based on need (as is the approach with other permit lots). Staff is asking for
Committee’s approval on the terms of the recommended revisions to the full City Council.
A motion was made by Councilor Blanchette to recommend staff’s recommendation at the Atler Lot for
12 free spaces and 11 permit parking spaces at the rear of the lot as written. Seconded by Councilor
Longo. Unanimous Committee vote.
A motion was made to go into Executive Session – Economic Development – Negotiations for
Disposition of Property in the Maine Business Enterprise Park –
1 M.R.S.A. § 405 6 ( C ).
4. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Economic Development – Negotiations for Disposition of Property in the
Maine Business Enterprise Park – 1 M.R.S.A § 405 6 ( C )
5. Committee Action on Above Item
The Committee voted to accept staff’s recommendation for conditions for the sale of Lot 6 in the Maine
Business Enterprise Park for a professional office building.
Meeting adjourned.