HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-12-04 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes
Tuesday, December 4, 2012 5:00 PM
City Council Chambers
Councilors Present: Sprague, Blanchette, Hawes, Longo, Baldacci and
Staff: Conlow, Vanadestine, Wallace
Chair Sprague called the meeting to order.
1. Community Development Residential Rehabilitation Deferred Loan – 61
Walter Street.
Councilor Blanchette moved to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion was
seconded by Councilor Baldacci. The Committee voted unanimously in favor of
the motion approving the Consent Agenda for a Community Development
Residential Rehabilitation Deferred Loan at 61 Walter Street.
2. Discussion and Process on Disruptive Property Ordinance
Chair Sprague opened the discussion for public comments. Andrew Farnham,
owner of two adjacent properties on Fern Street, distributed to the Committee
copies of the proposed Ordinance with highlighted areas that he had concerns
about. He discussed what a nuisance activity is, other definitions that he
thought were vague, how noise would be measured, and suggested that
landlords be required to obtain a license as a business does. He said that he felt
that the real problem is not the landlord but the tenants. He had questions
about General Assistance and its duration.
Councilor Baldacci indicated that he would prefer that the City try to engage in a
partnership with the landlords and the neighbors so as not to punish the
landlords. There are many good landlords and the City wants to encourage
owning property. He indicated that he felt that there are legal issues with the
proposed ordinance in terms of constitutionality, vagueness and enforcement.
It was noted that the Greater Bangor Apartment Owners and Managers
Association has endorsed the proposed Ordinance. Mr. Farnham indicated that
he is a member of that organization and he hasn’t signed off on this. He said
that while the goals are good, he asked the Committee to table this to discuss it
Councilor Civiello indicated that she did not see this as a punishment toward
landlords but a tool to help them. There have been discussions about using the
Bangor Housing Authority’s application form and doing background checks on
perspective tenants. This Ordinance is for those landlords that ignore and
ignore. Most landlords are good landlords and this is not going to affect them.
Councilor Sprague noted that once a landlord has started the eviction process
there are no more penalties applied.
Councilor Blanchette indicated that she applauded everyone who has working on
this but she did feel that it wasn’t anywhere near ready to be adopted. She felt
that there needs to be further study done.
City Manager Cathy Conlow indicated that Staff could forward the comments to
City Solicitor Norm Heitmann and come back to the Committee in two weeks.
Councilor Sprague said that the original intent of this ordinance is to deal with
the chronic problem landlords by giving tools to the Police Department and the
Code Enforcement Office. He indicated that the point of this discussion is to
gather information, hear comments and put them into the record.
Steven Hicks, a lower west side resident, indicated that he fully supports going
forward with the proposed ordinance. He would support any proposal to give
more stringent tools to control tenants.
Lisa Bollard, a Webster Avenue North resident, indicated that she attended the
first meeting and noted a number of events that have happened since that time.
There are certain apartment complexes that attract less desirable tenants and
behaviors that impact the neighborhood every day. In her neighborhood they
don’t know what their children will be subjected to next. They have formed a
neighborhood watch but something needs to happen to address these issues.
She indicated that while she is not sure that this ordinance is the solution or not
but it is the start. She said that they would be willing to work with the landlords
and if there is any way they can help they would be willing to do so.
Michael Rolnick, a Bangor landlord, agreed with Ms. Bollard that something
needs to happen. He said that he felt that the Police Department will need
additional help. He was concerned about separability and constitutional issues
with this ordinance. He suggested drug testing applicants who receive General
Assistance and making it more difficult for them to receive it. If it is made
unpalatable for the people who are causing the problem then they won’t stay.
Councilor Sprague indicated that General Assistance is a regulation program.
Councilor Baldacci asked if the City could impose drug testing for General
Assistance. Nicklas indicated that he would look into this.
Councilor Longo indicated that Staff has been working with the Greater Bangor
Area Apartment Managers Association to draft language to share with our
Legislators. He said that he didn’t feel that General Assistance recipients are
necessarily the problem but that the criminals are the problem. He indicated
that he felt the need to do something and the courage to pass something even
though it may not be perfect.
Frank Harnett who resides at 30 Webster Avenue North told the Committee that
the City Manager and Norm Heitmann have been working very hard to craft an
ordinance to help everyone. This is a quality of life issue. He urged the
Committee to pass the ordinance with some “teeth” in it so that they can live in
their neighborhood in harmony. He said that the Bangor Efficiency Apartments is
a nightmare for the neighborhood, his house value has declined to the point that
they cannot sell.
Dan Tremble, of Montgomery Street, sympathized with the neighbors on this
street (Webster Avenue North). He commented that if the Council moves
forward with this that he felt that the threshold requirement should be higher
than 2 incidents to trigger some enforcement activity.
Councilor Baldacci expressed his concern about the effectiveness of this
ordinance and said that there needs to be more policing and code enforcement.
He felt that before acting on this, they need to study how it is going to be
implemented, enforced and what impact it will have on people. Also, they need
to have a discussion about specific target problem landlords. The Webster
Avenue North residents need relief from Bangor Efficiency Apartments.
Barbara Roy, another Webster Avenue North resident, said that they are not
living under a mask of thinking that this ordinance is Bangor’s answer. She said
that other suggestions could include requiring repeat offenders to hire their own
security instead of using the Police Department as their property managers, or
having police officers get more involved with the neighborhoods. This is a start.
It most likely will need to be tweaked but the time to implement this is now.
Councilor Civiello said that she had reviewed the proposed ordinance with Norm
Heitmann. She said that he feels that the proposed ordinance has “teeth” and
he recommended it. She said that this needs to be implemented to see where it
needs to be fixed. She indicated that she is in favor of going forward with this
Councilor Longo moved that that Committee recommend that the proposed
ordinance go to the full Council for first reading on December 26. The motion
was seconded and it passed.
Conlow recommended that the Committee wait until after the first of year due to
the Christmas holiday. Councilor Baldacci ask for an additional session with the
full Council to go over the ordinance with the City Solicitor and asked that those
in attendance at this meeting be noticed of that session.
3. Executive Session – Economic Development – Negotiations for
Disposition of Property in the Maine Business Enterprise Park – 1 M.R.S.A.
§ 405(6)(C)
Councilor Baldacci moved to go into Executive Session. The motion was
seconded by Councilor Longo, and it passed. It was moved, and seconded to
exit executive session.
4. Committee Action on Above Item
The Committee indicated support of continued negotiations for the proposed