HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-05-09 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes
Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 5 pm
City Council Chambers
Councilors: Durgin, Gallant, Gratwick, Longo and Sprague
Staff: Conlow, Vanadestine, Morgan, Nicklas, Pereira, Willette
Others: Mike Gleason, Jim Lacadie, Steven Hicks and Bill Shook (Bangor Residents);
John Parley (business owner at 10 Broad Street); Joshua Gass
Chair Gratwick asked that Item #1 be moved to the end of the meeting in order to begin the
Public Hearing item first.
1. Public Hearing – Amount of Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds expected to
be available for the Period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 and the Eligible Uses of
Community Development Funds and to Amend the 5-Year Consolidated Plan of the City of
Bangor to include the newly created Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area
Public Hearing Opened
Rosie Vanadestine, Interim C.D. Director, opened this item stating that this is the second Public
Hearing on the proposed uses of next year’s Community Development Block Grant funds made available
through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. A minimum of two public hearings
are held each year to provide for citizen input into the process of selecting activities to be funded. The
first public hearing was held on March 7, 2012.
There have not been any changes since staff first came to the committee at the first Public
Hearing to go over what the CDBG funds would be used for this year. The City is anticipating that
$748,313 in CDBG funding will be forthcoming for the period from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.
This is $367,119 less than 2 years ago. There is also projected program income of $250,000 which will
result in $998,313 being available for Community Development activities for the period July 1, 2012 to
June 30, 2013.
Staff is proposing to fund the following line items.
(Definitions: PY - Prior Year Funding Items & FY - Current Fiscal Year Funding Items ).
Business Development Assistance & Loans @$50,000 PY
Downtown Façade Program @$100,000 PY
Park Woods-Social Services $69,400 FY12
Residential Property Rehabilitation $276,995 FY12; $160,000 PY
Property Disposition $2,255 FY12; $2,745 PY
Public Improvements: Streets and Sidewalks $325,138 PY
Neighborhood Parks $55,000 FY12
Downtown Revitalization Area $25,000 PY
Waterfront Public Improvements $123,207 PY
Property Acquisition and Relocation $150,000 FY12
Demolition Clearance (of slum & blight properties) $120,000 FY12
Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) $125,000 FY12
Program Administration $179,663 FY12
Planning $20,000 FY12
Rosie stated that with respect to the newly created Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA)
funding cannot be directly allocated to it until it is approved by HUD. For certain line items such as the
Residential Rehab Loan Program, acquisition and demolition/clearance this area will be considered our
priority area so that will take some precedence over funding options. Next year specific funding will be
allocated to specific tasks within the NRSA.
In response to Committee concerns of funds proposed for a new playground park, Parks & Rec Director
Tracy Willette stated that the proposed park would serve not only the neighborhood of Dillingham,
Thatcher and Olive Streets but that of the March Street and Cattelle Street neighborhoods. These funds
will allow a park to be created in close proximity to those neighborhoods that are eligible for this type of
funding. As a secondary benefit is that it will serve the children’s that make use of the Parks &
Recreation Department facility every day. The next closet park is Fairmount Park located between Royal
and Norway Roads.
Discussion proceeded on the issue of these funds being used for a new park as presented by Parks &
Director Willette. Councilors suggested to perhaps to use these funds for another necessary project that
would qualify under the CDBG program that instead of putting in another park.
Mike Gleason of Walter Street expressed his support for the pursuit of the Community Development
Block Grant for the Third Street Corridor project. It would also enhance the approach to the City from
the south on US Rt. 1a and 202 to have a park adjacent to the Parks & Rec facility. He also added that
with respect to the park project issue that there is a lot of traffic in that vicinity for children to be going
to a park.
Jim Lacadie of Lincoln Street asked what is the size of the proposed park parcel, who owns it and is it
zoned appropriately.
Tracy replied that he was not sure of size of the parcel but that the space requirements would certainly
be consistent with the City’s park fit the use; it is currently privately owned. Zoning would be looked
into if and when the project is approved.
Out of Public Hearing.
City Manager Conlow stated that if the Committee feels that at this time they do not want to do the
proposed park as presented that we take those funds and put it into the NRSA. Through some
prioritization we will be able to fund some type of infrastructure project that we can pare that up with.
This shows the most commitment to that area – there are some rough sidewalks and other areas in that
neighborhood and knows that Dana Wardwell (Director of Public Works) can make some progress with
Councilor Gallant made a motion that Committee approve staff recommendation for CDBG funding
while amending the Neighborhood Park line item and appropriating those funds to the downtown Main
to Third Street Revitalization Area (NRSA). Seconded by Councilor Durgin. Unanimous Committee Vote.
City Manager Conlow added that the Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy hasn’t been approved yet –
staff will categorize the funds for Neighborhood Public Improvements.
Rosie further stated that the second part of this process is to send in an amendment to the City’s 5-year
consolidated plan. This plan runs from 2010 – 2014. Staff will be finalizing the plan to submit the newly
created Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA) for the Main to Third and Union to Buck
Street boundaries. A public meeting was held with neighborhood residents on April 26; turnout has
been good; residents of that area are very excited about what is happening. May 30 is the due date
for the Request for Qualifications and it is hoped to have a consultant on board by the middle or end of
June, then the plan will be put together with the prioritization of tasks that need to be done.
Public Hearing Resumed.
Comments on the Third Main Street Corridor area were taken from the public at this time.
Steven Hicks of Sanford Street asked how an item is determined to be a priority. He also expressed
concerns for those who want to preserve the characterization of their neighborhoods and the socially
logical issues that exist there. Concluded that if the City holds out the promise that this will be a better
environment that residents may want to stay there and put down roots.
Jim Lacadie of Lincoln Street, Bangor reiterated Mr. Hick’s comments and complimented Rosie
Vanadestine and her department on the work they have done so far. He looks forward to the future
whereby hopefully other people will be able to improve their homes as he has.
Bill Shook of Hewey Street stated that he and his wife are surprised at the amount of interest and pride
of the residents within the proposed Third-Main Street area (NRSA) . His concern is that it might be
worthwhile to gather more information about the demographics of this area such as who lives there
and more particularly why they live there.
Councilor Gallant made a motion to close the Public Hearing.
Councilor Durgin made a motion to accept the 5-Year Consolidated Plan Amendment to include the
newly created Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area of Main-Third and Union-Buck Streets as
presented. Seconded by Councilor Sprague. Unanimous Committee vote.
1. Discussion on Blasting
This item was postponed to the May 23, 2012 meeting.
2. Discussion – Regulating Alcohol at Outside Tables for Downtown Restaurants
Asst. City Solicitor Nicklas introduced this item to the committee stating that there are a number of
downtown restaurants that set up tables and chairs for outside dining, particularly during the warmer
months. They do this through sidewalk license agreements with the City which are required as it is
property owned by the City. The City has been allowing this arrangement since 1991. The City does not
allow sale or consumption of alcohol after 10 pm; the City also advises those particular restaurants that
they need to make sure they abide by whatever conditions or strictures the Chief of Police puts on them
in order to maintain their alcohol permit. Recently the issue has come up of whether the sale or
consumption of alcohol could be allowed after 10 pm by these restaurants. The primary concern of the
City is there would be increased noise as a result and that the downtown is a mixed-use area of
businesses and residences.
City Manager Conlow added that this item is a Council request to look at the possible options. There
were two questions asked of the City – a) whether or not you could move alcohol by purchasing it inside
the restaurant and then go outside to a patio area carrying it. The City’s current rules require that if a
customer is sitting on a patio area or sidewalk area that is enclosed, alcohol has to be served to the
customer from a certified server (waiter; waitress); b) the second question was could the hours of
operation be extended.
Councilor Gallant stated that he brought this issue to the committee on behalf of a business owner in
West Market Square who would like to extend the closing time frame from 10 pm to 12 midnight.
Bangor Police Chief Gastia expressed some concerns about the movement of alcohol in and out of the
building except by certified servers. He stated that as more people congregate in a particular area noise
levels go up and it was felt that 10 pm is a reasonable period of time to move people from high level
noise areas to an area where it might not be heard so much especially by residents. This historically has
worked well.
Councilor Gallant made a motion to extend the current cut-off time of 10 pm to 12 midnight for outdoor
alcohol sales downtown. Seconded by Councilor Longo.
Councilor Sprague stated that it was his understanding that this item would be for discussion only
tonight with no action be taken at this time.
City Manager Conlow added also that this item was intended to be for discussion tonight; residents /
business owners haven’t been notified and if there is to be a more extensive discussion is it reasonable
to at least do a broader invitation.
Councilor Longo asked to amend the motion on the table to add that there be a one-year trial period
that would end October 15.
Councilor Gallant approved the amended request. Motion carried.
John Parley business owner at 10 Broad Street, downtown Bangor, spoke to the Committee on his
reasons for requesting the extension of the current time frame beyond 10 pm. He added that when
there are concerts at the Bangor waterfront, for example, they don’t get out until 10:30-11 pm and half
of his business is from the concerts. He supports the extension request to midnight. He expressed that
he is grateful for the relationship he has with Chief Gastia and the City and it’s important to him to keep
that going.
Other comments by business owners in the West Market Square area are that they’re in favor of the
extended hours but that more police presence needs to be in that area when the bars close – the bike
patrols are a positive presence.
Chair Gratwick asked for a vote on the motion made by Councilor Gallant to extend the time frame from
10pm – to midnight for a one year trial period ending on Oct. 15th. Vote was 4 in favor; 1 opposed.
Motion carried.
Chair Gratwick stated that he was opposed as the issue has not had adequate public hearing.
Councilor Durgin made a motion to go into Executive Session – Economic Development – Property
Negotiations – Maine Business Enterprise Park – 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) ( C )
3. Executive Session - Economic Development – Property Negotiations – Maine Business
Enterprise Park – 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) ( C )
4. Committee Action on Above Item
No Committee Action on Above Item.