HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-02-22 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes
Wednesday, February 22, 2012, 5 pm
Council Chambers
Councilors: Chair Gratwick, Blanchette, Durgin, Longo, Sprague and Weston
Staff: Conlow, McKay, Bolduc, Gould, Patterson, Pereira
Others: John Rohman; Bernard (‘Flash’), Kevin Bate; Clayton Carter of the Bangor
Farmer’s Market Association; Lucy Quimby; Melinda Caldwell
Chair Gratwick stated that he would take agenda items out of order.
1. 2010 Comprehensive Plan Update
Staff reviewed background of the City’s Comprehensive Planning Activities that have occurred
since 2005. The City currently operates under a Comprehensive Plan entitled “Comprehensive Plan
2005 Update” that was adopted by the Bangor City Council on July 10, 2006 and was deemed consistent
with the Growth Management Act by the State Planning Office on November 3, 2006. On April 14, 2008,
the “Special Committee on Comprehensive Planning” was established by the City Council to review the
2005 Plan and to develop a new 2010 plan. Through the work of the Committee it was decided to
develop a “Policy Plan” that was considered to be less burdened with large amounts of data and more
concise in its policy recommendations. The State Planning Office was contacted regarding the status of
the Committee’s Policy Plan in light of the State of Maine’s Growth Management Act. It was decided to
bridge the “Policy” document with the 2005 Comprehensive Plan such that it would find consistency
with the Growth Management Act’s requirements. Both the Special Committee’s policy document and
the revised 2005 Plan have been through a public hearing process and reviewed and recommended for
adoption by the Planning Board. The City of Bangor is in compliance; if the City Council votes to adopt
the new update, staff will then take that and send it to the State Planning Office for review.
Councilor Durgin made a motion to send this item onto the full City Council for their approval.
Councilor Blanchette seconded. Unanimous Committee vote.
2. Maine Stage Presentation
Rod McKay introduced this item to the Committee stating that Councilor Sprague has been
approached by a group who would like an opportunity to speak to the Committee about a proposal to
either have a separate stage within the Folk Festival that only has Maine based acts, or to set up a stage
someplace downtown the day before the Folk Festival, such as in Pickering Square. Councilor Sprague is
supportive of this proposal and suggests the Committee consider the idea for the 2013 Folk Festival.
‘Flash’ presented his group’s proposal stating that having Maine based acts perform in the
downtown will further assist businesses there. By utilizing the unused space at Pickering Square they
can put a Maine stage there and, as done with the Thursday concert series, block off Broad Street that
they can then utilize as well with businesses setting up booths, tables for artists (painters, sculpturers
and visual artists) that are exclusively Maine. They have presented this idea also to the American Folk
Festival (AFF) staff. There will be no cost to the City or AFF to produce this event as this group will be
using volunteers. If this proposal is successful, hopefully in the coming years those people involved will
be compensated. It is hoped to begin this event year (2012); all aspects of it would be overseen by the
AFF if they approve.
Shirar Patterson related that this summer on Thursdays, from June through August, the Cool
Sounds Concerts & Outdoor Market are scheduled. They are planning to collaborate with the AFF on
whoever the particular performer will be on any given Thursday. She added that we can look at some
different models to see if this group’s proposal will fit into that or not; we want to stay true to our Cool
Sounds concept with the Outdoor Market and the AFF wants to stay true to their brand and event but
there are a lot of resources in the community with KahBang and with the AFF so even if this is a separate
entity there may be things we can do to nurture it and help it move forward.
Chair Gratwick concluded by asking that Rod McKay and Shirar Patterson gather these groups
together and then bring back the specifics of their proposal to the BED Committee.
Rod further added that “Flash” continue his dialogue with the AFF staff to make sure there are
no conflicts there and to work with Shirar Patterson of Economic Development and Tracy Willette of
Parks & Recreation to get an event permit.
3. Farmer’s Market Lease
Shirar Patterson presented a proposed lease agreement between the City and the Bangor
Farmer’s Market Association as prepared by City Solicitor Norm Heitmann. Highlights of this agreement
are: market to be held at Upper Abbott Square on Sundays from 10 am – 5 pm for set-up, conduct the
market and take down (market hours will be from 12 noon to 3 pm). Term of the lease will be from June
1, 2012 through November 30, 2012; June 1, 2013 to November 30, 2013. If the Association determines
a winter market is something they want to do, then that would be a separate lease negotiation that
would be discussed. At this time, no rent has been proposed because the City initiated this request for a
Farmer’s Market and the profitably of the market is uncertain and staff felt the limited resources of the
market should be directed towards their publicity to assure for a successful launch. There’s no revenue
collected from the Upper Abbott Square parking lot on Sundays as it stands so the City is not losing out
on that piece of revenue. At the conclusion of the term of the initial lease the rent will be considered in
a renegotiation which the association felt was fair. The Association will designate vendor parking,
customer parking and traffic circulation and the market would only be on paved areas; signage that will
be displayed is what’s permitted by Code Enforcement; the Association will maintain appropriate
insurance which lists the City of Bangor and Republic Parking System as additional insured under all
policies for this market. It is staff’s hope that the BED Committee will approve the lease to move
forward to the City Council for final approval at next week’s meeting and to help them to stick to their
guideline of applications on April 1 and the market opening on June 3.
Councilor Longo made a motion to move staff recommendation of the Farmer’s Market Lease as
presented onto the full City Council for their approval. Seconded by Councilor Durgin. Unanimous
Committee vote.
4. Grant Application Community Arts Space
As previously related to the committee by Shirar Patterson the City of Bangor has the
opportunity to support an application to the Maine Arts Commission for their “Creative Communities =
Economic Development” grant (referred to as CEED). Two communities will be awarded $50,000 in
2012, sometime in the fall. Each grant will require a 1:1 match (cash and in-kind).
She has been working in partnership with “Bangor Arts” and they have identified assets and
areas of need to move Bangor’s creative economy forward. In a letter of interest the partners have
proposed the overall concept, concrete details, budget and other specifics to be finalized through the
application process that will end in October 2012. Proposed activities under the CCED project include
financial incentives/arts funding, marketing, planning, physical infrastructure, and youth engagement.
A 501 (c)3 arts organization must be the lead application and fiscal agent for consortium applying for the
grant; Bangor Arts has identified Maine Discovery Museum to fill that role. The City of Bangor must
provide a letter of support to supplement the letter of interest. Letters of Interest are due February 24,
2012. Applicants will be informed in the spring as to whether they are invited to submit a full
application. Staff is seeking approval from committee to submit a letter of support and join the
consortium on this project.
Rod McKay stated that with respect to the physical infrastructure of this project that staff
should bring back to committee the request for proposals for the “Wayfinding Signage” system that was
originated in 2011 (which at that time the committee decided to not proceed with). The committee can
review it to see if they want to take a different direction or wish to stay with the original scope of that
request for proposals. We could even re-visit the proposals that were received in 2011 to see if those
companies can keep them valid, as staff would like to see this project begin as soon as possible.
Chair Gratwick asked that the request for proposals on a “Wayfinding Signage” system be
brought back to the committee within the next month.
Councilor Durgin made a motion to adopt staff recommendation to submit a letter of support
and join the consortium on this project as presented. Seconded by Councilor Sprague. Unanimous
Committee vote.
5. Ordinance Amendment – Industrial Parks
Rod McKay stated that this item has been brought to the committee’s attention prior to
placing it on Monday’s (Feb. 27) City Council agenda for referral to the Planning Board which will have a
public hearing and make a recommendation to the City Council for adoption.
Tanya Periera of the Economic Development staff has been working with a client that is
interested in establishing a fitness center. This client is currently operating a business in Bangor and has
outgrown their current space; would like to relocate in order to expand. The particular type of fitness
center they will be operating requires space with high ceilings, etc. that is generally only available in
industrial buildings. Staff’s only concern is that we not use a lot of our industrial buildings for
recreational purposes, but they feel there is an adequate supply of existing industrial buildings in Bangor
that are vacant and a fitness center would be a good use to occupy one of those vacant buildings. Staff
is proposing an amendment to the zoning ordinance in the Industry and Service District that would add
fitness centers to the ordinance. This would allow them into Industry and Service zones provided they
went into existing buildings. Uses not allowed would be bowling alleys, tennis courts, pool halls, roller
rinks, video arcades, facilities for spectator events or competitions; no large recreational sport fields
such as golf courses, archery ranges, motorized sports, paint ball and firearms. Smaller outdoor
activities as proposed would be allowed in the zone. The proposed ordinance has been designed by the
City’s Planning, Legal and Code staff.
Councilor Durgin made a motion to adopt staff recommendation as presented on this item to
the full City Council. Seconded. Unanimous Committee vote.
6. Cultural Commission Presentation
This item was postponed for a month.
7. Main Street Corridor Planning Services RFP
Rod McKay presented this item stating that at the Council’s direction, staff is focusing on the
area from downtown to Bass Park along the Main Street Corridor including the residential
neighborhoods up to Third Street between Main Street and Buck Street. There are opportunities for
new development in this area such as an entertainment district, and changes in land uses would also be
appropriate such as a better definition of separation between the commercial development along Main
Street and the residential area as well as improvements to the residential area that are appropriate.
There are also transportation elements that need to be looked particularly in getting pedestrians safely
across Main Street from the residential areas to the waterfront. In January 2012 staff proposed to the
committee the issuing of a Request For Proposals (RFP) – it was then decided to allow staff more time to
further review and refine it. At this time, staff is seeking from committee authorization to issue the
Request For Proposals for Planning Services to look at the various issues that are involved in improving
the areas as described.
Councilor Durgin inquired that as the next Neighborhood meeting in this area is scheduled for
March 1 and there will most likely be further input from those residents, is it staff’s intent to wait until
after that meeting to submit the RFP’s request?
Rod replied that if it is the committee’s desire to do that then staff will wait.
Councilor Sprague made a motion to move forward with the RFP process after the March 1
Neighborhood meeting. Seconded by Councilor Durgin. Unanimous Committee vote.
Chair Gratwick stated that other elements he feels should be added to the RFP criteria are the
co-existent of the noise from the entertainment areas to the residential areas as a primary concern; and
cohesion to the orientation of buildings.
8. Economic Development Update
Tanya Pereira of the Economic Development office updated the committee on projects she has
been working on along with staff from her department and other City departments. The types of
businesses she has been working with are: on-site search in the financial and professional services
arena; 4 in retail; 3 active restaurant searches; 1 in manufacturing/industrial use of a significant business
expansion project; 3 on-going active searches for institutional and non-profit users. Continuing to work
with the Freeses Building space; Chamber of Commerce is doing some work internally in terms of
strategizing what they can do – they will be bringing the City further ideas and development of their
concept plan within the next few weeks. Volume of phone call and email inquiries has increased –
getting a lot of good traffic with the web site in terms of people submitting questions about simple
permitting, licensing, vendor, etc. Also, a significant amount of interest to the blanket-email address
that comes to Tanya on questions and inquiries about the arena space. She is working on a marketing
plan for Economic Development which involves selling the entire City, so she is looking at an informal
marketing committee that will be a working group of staff members and other departments that are
doing marketing activities (first meeting is scheduled for Friday, 2/24). She is also working on a Bangor
Ambassador Program – this will help staff, when businesses, site location consultants and entrepreneurs
or even individuals who are considering coming to the Bangor area, be ready to meet with them and
help in any way possible. She is also spending time on doing internal updates and work on the City’s
available property database to track what’s on the market so that we have an excellent selection tool to
assist clients.
Meeting adjourned.