HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-04-18 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes
Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 5:15 pm
City Council Chambers
Councilors: Durgin, Gallant, Longo, Sprague and Weston
Staff: Conlow, Vanadestine, Bolduc, Gould, Wallace
Others: Carol Epstein, Stillwater Realty LLC; JimTower
In Councilor Gratwick’s absence, Councilor Durgin sat in as Chair over this meeting.
Councilor Longo made a motion to go into Executive Session on the following item.
1. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Economic Development - Lease Negotiations – 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) ( C )
2. Committee Action on Above Item
Councilor Longo made a motion to move staff recommendation to approve the lease
negotiations with Stillwater Realty LLC as presented. Seconded by Councilor Gallant. So voted.
3. ORDINANCE, Amending Chapter 165, Land Development Code, Section 92, Urban Service
District (USD), of the Code of the City of Bangor, by Changing Bar, Tavern, or Lounge to a
Permitted Use
David Gould, Planning Officer, reviewed this item stating that this Ordinance amendment will
take the use of a bar, tavern or lounge in an Urban Service District and change it from a
conditional use to a permitted use. All the performance standards will remain the same. This
change will facilitate reuse of existing buildings without having the Planning Board review the
Conditional Use criteria and its procedural costs and time line.
Councilor Sprague made a motion to move staff recommendation to forward this item onto the
Planning Board at their May 1, 2012 meeting.
Public Comment: Jim Tower, Manager of Aerios, LLC (corporate owner of Diamonds Gentlemen
Club) stated that as staff is reviewing this particular ordinance asked that they look at some
additional changes as well. In particular, hours of operation in the downtown district are
regulated within the ordinance. For various reasons, Diamonds would like to operate until 3 am
in the morning.
Chair Durgin replied in response that the ordinance amendment before the Committee today is
one that deals with primarily Urban Service District issues. He then asked Planning Officer David
Gould to gather and review background information on Mr. Tower’s comments/suggestions to
see if there are other ways to incorporate his request for a public hearing in order to get a vote
one way or the other on the matter. The Planning Office will report back to the BED Committee
with their findings and recommendations.
The motion to move staff recommendation on the Ordinance Amending Chapter 165, Land
Development Code, Section 92 as presented was favored with a vote of 2; 1 opposed. The
motion carried.
4. Main Street Corridor – Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA) Update
Rosie Vanadestine, Interim Director of Community & Economic Development, reviewed for the
Committee information from the draft Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy plan. The
Committee’s review and comments are encouraged before it is finalized and goes on to the
Public Hearing on May 9. A final approval at the Council meeting on May 14 will allow staff to
submit the plan to HUD for their approval.
Along with the Department of Community & Economic Development, other City departments
involved with the planning and meetings for this project include Planning, Code Enforcement,
Engineering, Police Department, Parks & Recreation and Public Works.
Sections included in the NRS Plan are:
Plan Overview
Includes neighborhood and geographic areas and definition of the boundaries from Main to
Third and Union to Buck Streets (about 130 acres +/-). Staff has also obtained information from
the City’s assessing records that outlines the number of lots, number of units, single, multi-
family, commercial or vacant. Staff has cataloged all of this information. Also, in the plan
Census data is included such as population, area median income and poverty level (70% of the
households in this area are low to moderate income). Have also identified the number of
people who are on social security, receiving public assistance and food stamps. Ninety-one
percent of the units are occupied and 10% of them are vacant. Seventy-three percent of the
units are renter occupied and 27% of the units are owner occupied. Most of the buildings were
built before 1978 and 1940. Unemployment data is also included, and the number of police
calls that have been made to that area since they’ve started tracking that from November of
2011 through the end of February 2012 (a total of 1,400 calls in 4 months).
Community Consultation
This section’s information outlines what staff has done to include the community – which
includes the two public neighborhood meetings that have been held. Staff has cataloged all of
the comments that were made at the public hearings as well as from the surveys. The
comments were divided up by the respective City departments and each department has
commented on those.
Assessment Component
This section involves the economic conditions within the NRSA. In this area there are 34
businesses (they employ 1,147 people). Will have a breakdown of business types and
information on access to capital and will look at housing, rents, home prices and housing
quality. Furthermore, will be discussing the new arena, waterfront improvements and the
expansion of Hollywood Slots. With this information, staff can demonstrate that there already is
a lot of investment taking place there as well as determining what other opportunities might be
forthcoming for economic development and how we will create additional jobs. Crime and
security will be part of the assessment component as well. We will also need to determine what
other organizations are ready to assist with our help in that area.
Economic Empowerment
This section focuses on the meaningful jobs and how performance measures can be created.
In the initial submission for approval of the NRS plan it is not required to identify funding
resources. Once the submission is approved by HUD, then every year the City will have to
identify in their annual action plan what the City is going to accomplish in the NRSA and how
much money is going to be targeted and where those funds are going to come from.
The Request For Qualifications (RFQ) for the consultant is finalized and should be out soon.
Planning Officer David Gould will be reviewing the old parking and street plan (originally done in
the 1990’s) in order to see what the intention was for street parking . Staff will be working with
the consultant and reviewing all of the plans and traffic studies that have been completed and
they will assist in creating a comprehensive infrastructure plan to address streets, sidewalks,
lighting, sewer/water connectivity and landscaping. This information will be prioritized by need
and by street and will be scheduled for funding annually as well as included in the annual action
An overview of this plan is scheduled to be delivered at a Neighborhood Meeting at Doughty
School auditorium on Thursday, April 26, 2012 @ 6 pm. City department heads will be in
attendance to speak about their role with the plan and what items their departments will be
contributing to the plan.
On May 9 staff will be back to the BED Committee for the public hearing held for the NRS plan
and also for the CDBG Annual Action Plan. It will go to the full City Council on May 14 and
submitted to HUD on May 15.
Meeting adjourned.