HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-18 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 5:15 PM
City Council Chambers
Committee Members Present: Blanchette, Nealley, Chair Sprague, Longo, and
City Staff Present: Conlow, Pereira, Bird, and Hathaway
Chair Sprague called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m.
1. Parking Enforcement Proposal
Jason Bird, Business Development Officer/Downtown Coordinator, indicated that
Staff is recommending Republic Parking’s proposal to operate the City’s
downtown parking enforcement. Their proposal is for a vehicle mounted
technology that reads license plates as it scans and travels through traffic in the
downtown. A base line would be set, another scan would be done at a point in
time and it would be noted whether a vehicle had been in that same spot or in
that same area at that time. The scanning technology would create a signal, a
ticket would be printed, and the attendant would then place it on the vehicle and
continue scanning vehicles in the downtown. This would help to eliminate
parking issues such as those who go out and wipe chalk marks off tires. It
would also be a tool to help to turn over parking spaces for additional customers
in the downtown.
Council Longo moved staff recommendation. Councilor Blanchette seconded the
Councilor Nealley indicated that he felt that a lot of the people who park in the
downtown also patronize the restaurants. He said that he felt that the present
parking enforcement personnel while walking around are observing things and
keeping a presence in the downtown which is a net benefit. He indicated that he
was going to vote against this.
Councilor Blanchette indicated that she feels that the times and circumstances
have changed. She is encouraged by the fact that Republic Parking is going to
train its employees to be sensitive to downtown issues. She said that those
parkers who shuffle their cars are taking parking spaces away from customers.
The present situation is not working and now is the time to try something
Councilor Civiello asked how giving tickets will encourage those who would
rather pay for a ticket than park in the parking garage to park elsewhere, and
also asked about the data collection. Parke Clemons, with Republic Parking,
indicated that their system will not be used at any time to look for stolen vehicles
and all of the data collected during the day will be dumped. The data will be for
tracking the time a customer has been in a parking spot and not connected to
anything else.
Bird indicated that downtown employees are the primary people who are racking
up tickets.
Councilor Longo indicated that the cost of this has gone down significantly and
he feels this is a better proposal.
Chair Sprague welcomed public comment. Mr. Wayne Mallar, a resident of 103
Essex Street, asked if they had done a cost analysis between having a hand held
system for the existing people on the street versus the system in a vehicle.
Clemons indicated that they did and they concluded that there is no cost savings
to that.
City Manager Conlow indicated that two people with a handheld device cannot
cover the area that a vehicle does. It will cost less for the City to operate.
Mallar indicated that he did not feel that Staff has looked into this enough and he
saw the possibility of savings while keeping more people in the downtown. He
also indicated that this proposal is only for the downtown and the City is not
considering the other areas of the City that are just as important.
Chair Sprague asked for a vote. The committee voted 4 to 1 in favor of the
motion. (Nealley voted against.) Motion passed.
2. Sidewalk Agreement with Seasons
Tanya Pereira, Business Development Specialist, indicated that this is a sidewalk
agreement with Seasons Restaurant to allow them to have outside seating in
front of their restaurant on Main Street. This is exactly the same agreement that
the City has with downtown restaurants such as Giacomos and Ipanema’s. The
only difference is that this is outside of the downtown area. In the downtown,
they don’t have to come before the Council. Because it is outside of the area,
Staff felt that this should be considered by the Council. It has been approved by
the Code Enforcement Office, the Fire Inspector, and the Police Department has
signed off.
Councilor Longo indicated that he has reviewed the plans for this and he is
confident that the sidewalk is passable, won’t create a new pedestrian burden,
and will be a positive asset. He moved Staff recommendation. Councilor Nealley
seconded the motion.
Councilor Blanchette asked what the advantage was for them to have tables
adjacent to the sidewalk as opposed to around the side of the building.
Pereira indicated that it is because of Waterfront Concerts. Councilor Blanchette
indicated that she was uncomfortable with this as drinking could get out of hand.
Pereira indicated that the Legal Staff has done a very good job of making sure
that there are strict alcohol enforcement provisions. If there is a problem, Staff
can address it. Councilor Blanchette indicated that while she did not have a
problem with the downtown restaurants she did not see the need to have
seating out on Main Street.
Police Chief Hathaway indicated that Asst. City Solicitor Nicklas has crafted
language that will allow the City to correct poor behavior not just with Seasons
Restaurant but with anybody that has an outdoor area where they serve alcohol.
Chair Sprague said that his concern would be whether this would be blocking the
sidewalk. Nicklas indicated that they have left six feet which is more than is
generally required along the entire sidewalk.
Tom Workman, Food and Beverage Manager of Seasons Restaurant and Sports
Lounge, indicated that foremost they are a restaurant. Secondly, the reason
they looked at being on Main St is the visibility it gives them as their parking and
main entrance are on the opposite end of the building. He indicated that the
waterfront is an exciting place to be and they want to make themselves part of
Chair Sprague called for a vote. All in favor, Motion passed.
3. Commission on Cultural Development Proposed Budget, Grant
Eligibility and Review Changes.
Jason Bird indicated that the Cultural Commission wishes to make a couple of
changes to their budget and funding guidelines as they would like to fund
individual artists or reimburse individual artists for work on public art for public
consumption. They are proposing a $1,000 limit for materials and this funding
would not be released until the art is completed. Another change being
proposed is that the City would have a rolling basis application process for
applications under $1,000. If over $1,000, it would be considered twice a year.
Bird also noted that the Commission was proposing changes regarding its
Councilor Blanchette explained that the $1,000 grants to individual artists is a
new concept for the Cultural Commission. Councilor Longo asked who
approves these. Bird indicated that if the ordinance were changed, any
subsequent application received by the Cultural Commission would be forwarded
to this committee and the full City Council. Councilor Longo indicated that he
would like for this to be changed so that an organization or an individual could
only apply once every 12 months and not receive funding in consecutive years.
He said that they need to become self-sufficient.
Councilor Nealley felt that the discretion should be left to the City Council. He
added that it could be an extraordinary situation where they have a matching
grant, etc. He said that he did not want to hamstring the Commission’s
discretion. Councilor Blanchette agreed and added that she would like to leave it
up to the Commission and Council so as not to miss out on something. Councilor
Longo said that the Councilors have made some valid points and discretion is
Councilor Longo moved Staff recommendation. Councilor Blanchette seconded
the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
4. Proposed Changes to Design Review of Downtown Facade and
Waterfront Facade Districts.
Chair Sprague indicated that this item will be discussed at a future meeting.
5. Request for Proposals – Pickering Square Commercial Space.
Tanya Pereira indicated that Staff has drafted a Request for Proposals for reuse
of the vacant space in the bottom floor of the Parking Garage. In light of the
fact that the Bus Transit Relocation Study has not been completed, Staff
recommended that the Request for Proposal be considered by the Committee but
that it not be sent out until the completion of the Bus Transit Relocation Study
and that discussion. Pereira indicated that Staff felt that any developer who
would be interested in bidding on this proposal would be “hamstrung” by the
lack of a decision on the bus station.
Councilor Civiello moved to recommend the draft RFP but not proceed with it
until the Bus Transit Relocation Study has been completed. Councilor Blanchette
seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
6. City Owned Properties – Available and Leased.
Tanya Pereira noted a previous BED Committee meeting discussion about the
waterfront properties. During that discussion there was some question as to
what the City has for available properties. Staff has compiled some specific
information about all of the properties that the City has. She discussed the
handout prepared by Staff which includes a listing of all properties available, a
power point presentation which gives an overview of each property, and various
other information.
7. Discussion on Signage Implementation.
It was noted that this item would be discussed at a later meeting.
8. Executive Session – Economic Development – Property
Disposition – 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C)
Councilor Longo moved to go into Executive Session under – 1 M.R.S.A. §
405(6)(C). Councilor Nealley seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
9. Committee Action on Above Item
It was moved and seconded to exit Executive Session. The Committee moved
Staff recommendation to move forward to the City Council on Monday June 24
to seek approval of the execution of an Option Agreement in final form approved
by the City Solicitor and Director of Community and Economic Development. The
motion was seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
10. Executive Session – Economic Development – Property
Disposition – 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C)
It was moved and seconded to go into Executive Session under – 1 M.R.S.A. §
405(6)(C). All in favor, motion carried.
11. Committee Action on Above Item
It was moved and seconded to exit Executive Session. The Committee moved
Staff recommendation to move forward to the City Council to seek approval of an
agreement in a final form approved by the City Solicitor and Director of
Community & Economic Development. All in favor, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.