HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-11-18 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, November 18, 2014 5:15 PM City Council Chambers Minutes Committee Members Present: Chair Baldacci, Councilor Durgin, Councilor Faircloth, Councilor Civiello, Councilor Graham, and Councilor Nealley City Staff Present: Cathy Conlow, Tanya Emery, Paul Nicklas, Jason Bird, Jeff Wallace, Steve Bolduc and Caitlin Brooke Chair Baldacci called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. 1. REFERRAL - ORDINANCE 15-005, Amending Chapter 291, Vehicles and Traffic, of the Code of the City of Bangor, By Amending Limited Time Parking to Include Ninety Minutes Parking Assistant City Solicitor Paul Nicklas explained that several years ago a number of parking spaces in the downtown were changed from one hour parking to 90 minute parking. Signs were posted and the City’s parking maps were amended to reflect those changes. However, language providing for 90 minute parking was never added to the Code. This amendment would include 90 minute parking in the Code to bring it in line with current practices. Staff recommended that the Committee recommend this Ordinance amendment to the full Council. Councilor Graham moved Staff recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilor Faircloth. The motion carried. 2. Brownfields Consultant RFP Jason Bird, Community and Economic Development Officer, gave an overview of the grant the City received from the EPA to test contaminated sites within the City. As part of this process, the City put out an RFP to solicit bids from firms with expertise in this area to conduct the testing as the City does not have the expertise needed to test these sites. After review of the two RFP’s submitted, the firm of Credere Associates is being recommended by the RFP Review Committee. Staff is seeking a positive recommendation of the Committee to award a contract for $360,000 to Credere Associates for the City’s Brownfields Assessment Program. Councilor Graham moved Staff recommendation. Councilor Faircloth seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 2 3. Gas Line Easement Steve Bolduc, Economic Development Officer, explained that this is a request for an easement for Bangor Gas Company to run an underground gas line to provide service to 39 and 49 Florida Avenue. Mr. Bolduc indicated that the City Council previously approved funding to convert the boilers at these two locations to utilize natural gas. Staff is recommending that the Committee recommend this gas line easement to the City Council. Councilor Graham moved Staff recommendation. Councilor Faircloth seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 4. Lease Agreement with KidsPeace National Centers Economic Development Officer Steve Bolduc indicated that KidsPeace National Centers is asking to lease 49 Florida Avenue for their administrative offices. Mr. Bolduc outlined the terms of the lease agreement. Staff recommended that the Committee recommend approval to the City Council. Councilor Civiello asked how the lease amount was determined and what the utility costs would be, especially what the stormwater runoff fee is and how it was determined. Mr. Bolduc indicated that he did not have the exact figure readily available but would forward it on to the Committee. Councilor Graham indicated that he felt that the City was fortunate that KidsPeace National Centers chose to stay in Bangor. Councilor Nealley moved Staff recommendation. Councilor Graham seconded the motion. The motion was not doubted and passed. 5. Sale of Land Parcel to Habitat for Humanity – 120 Third Street Jeff Wallace, Housing Rehabilitation Coordinator, explained that the City owns a double lot at 108 and 120 Third Street and is proposing to divide the lot into two lots. The City is proposing to construct a new house on 108 Third Street with NSP funds. The other half of the lot is proposed to be sold to Habitat for Humanity so that they may construct a new single-family house on it. Councilor Graham asked if both lots could be given to Habitat for Humanity. Mr. Wallace indicated that it could be possible but normally Habitat for Humanity constructs one new house at a time. Director Emery indicated that the deadline for use of NSP funds is fast approaching and this needs to be done in 2015. The hope is to have both lots being developed at one time. Staff recommended approval of the plan to sell Habitat for Humanity the lot at 120 Third Street for the price of $1.00 3 Councilor Nealley moved Staff recommendation. Councilor Graham seconded the motion. The motion was not doubted and it was a vote. 6. Proposed Changes to Downtown Parking Advisory Committee Jason Bird, Community and Economic Development Officer explained that in 1997 the Downtown Parking Advisory Committee was created as a special committee to address specific parking related topics with a one-year term that could be reinstated as needed. Staff is seeking the establishment of a regular standing Downtown Parking Advisory committee to be the first level of review for downtown parking system improvements. As proposed, the committee would review parking issues focused on the downtown area only and present recommendations to the Business and Economic Development Committee. Councilor Graham moved Staff recommendation and Councilor Faircloth seconded the motion. The motion passed as it was not doubted. 7. Can-Am Police-Fire Games Director Emery indicated that this is a follow-up, for informational purposes, on the RFP for the 2020 CanAm PoliceFire Games. Assistant City Solicitor Paul Nicklas indicated that the City would not be a party to this RFP or contract as the Greater Bangor Convention and Visitors Bureau (GBCVB) is hosting the event. City facilities and property would likely be used for certain events in which case the Games would be required to undergo the same event permitting process used for other events which take place on City property. 8. Sidewalk License Agreements for Outdoor Seating Staff discussed with the Committee four areas that they would like direction on that the Committee would like to see done regarding outdoor seating on sidewalks and public spaces. The Committee agreed that a fee should be charged for the use of this public space but that a fee holiday for 2015 be instituted, and that in the agreement it should be noted that a fee will be required for 2016. The Committee felt that there should be a set of minimum standards for fencing, etc. and asked that staff prepare the standards. The Committee asked staff to set up cones indicating the area where outdoor seating could be allowed in West market Square and take photographs to be circulated to the Committee for consideration. The fourth area was that of allowing outdoor seating year round. The Committee asked that staff look into how other cities (who are colder than Bangor is) handle this and present their findings to the Committee. 4 9. BanAir Parcels Director Emery indicated that Epstein Commercial, in their process of preparing listing agreements for the two remaining parcels in the BanAir Business Park, noted that both of these lots are heavily forested. They indicated that the lots would be more marketable for commercial development if the trees were removed. This could also generate a modest amount of revenue for the City. Staff is requesting the Committee’s approval to contact logging companies about the possibility of clearing both lots. The Committee directed staff to proceed. 10. Executive Session – Economic Development – Property Acquisition – 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C) Councilor Civiello moved to enter Executive Session under – 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C) . Councilor Faircloth seconded the motion with passed unanimously. 11. Committee Action on Above Item No action was taken on this item. 12. Executive Session – Economic Development – Property Disposition – 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C) Councilor Graham moved to enter Executive Session under – 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C) . Councilor Faircloth seconded the motion with passed unanimously. 13. Committee Action on Above Item No action was taken on this item. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.