HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-06-17 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes
Tuesday, June 17, 2014 5:15 PM
City Council Chambers
Councilors Present: Chair Durgin, Councilor Civiello, Councilor Baldacci, Councilor
Nealley, Councilor Graham
City Staff Present: Jason Bird, Cathy Conlow, Norm Heitmann, Steve Bolduc
Chair Durgin called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m.
1. Amendment to a Lease Agreement with Ntension Corporation.
Steve Bolduc, Economic Development Officer, explained that this is a request for
a three-month extension of a lease with Ntension Corporation for space in the
building at 110 Hildreth Street. All other conditions and terms of the agreement
are to remain the same. Staff recommended approval.
The Committee discussed with Staff how the lease rate was determined and the
current market rate for leasing industrial space.
Councilor Baldacci moved Staff recommendation. Councilor Nealley seconded
the motion. The vote was unanimous.
2. Request to Lease City Property – 190 Harlow St.
City Solicitor Norm Heitmann explained that the second floor tenant at 190
Harlow Street (Arayos LLC, d/b/a/ Diamonds) wishes to enter into an agreement
with the City to enable it to have a side exit facing Haynes Court which leads to
the Lower Abbott parking lot. They propose to install a door in the side of the
building and have stairs installed to the ground. This will provide them with
another exit from the building. The City has received complaints about people
exiting in front of the building and this side exit should help address this issue.
Because this side of the building is built to the property line they need an
easement from the City to use a portion of the City’s property in order to do this.
Mr. Heitmann recommended that the City grant an easement for a period of 10
years which does have a 60-day notice of termination if the City needs the
property for parking or for a street.
Councilor Nealley asked if this exit would be shifting the noise from Harlow
Street to the Franklin Street condominiums.
Councilor Graham asked how many feet away from Harlow Street this proposed
exit is. A representative of Arayos indicated that it is 60 to 80 feet to the front of
the building. Chair Durgin asked if they are proposing to make this their main
entrance. The Arayos representative indicated that they are.
Councilor Civiello asked if the City would be compensated for this easement. Mr.
Heitmann indicated that the stairway would be a taxable addition to the
property. Typically when the City grants easements in the right-of-way they are
not charged.
Councilor Graham asked as a main entrance would it need to meet setbacks or
other regulations. Mr. Heitmann indicated that there are none.
Councilor Nealley moved Staff recommendation. Councilor Baldacci seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
3. Accept and Appropriate EPA Brownfield’s Grant
Jason Bird, Community and Economic Development Officer, explained that the
City has been successful in its application to the Environmental Protection
Agency for Brownfield’s Assessment funding. The award is for $400,000 if the
City accepts and appropriates the funds. This would allow the City an
opportunity to work with property owners and developers to assess properties
that may have environmental contamination that might be prohibiting
redevelopment, creating jobs, and building tax base. To implement this project
the City will receive some money for Staff time but the bulk of it will be to issue
an RFP for a qualified engineering consulting firm that does environmental
assessments, and will work with the City to identify properties, to go through the
eligibility, and help the City with reporting and physical testing.
Councilor Baldacci moved Staff recommendation, Councilor Graham seconded
the motion. The vote was unanimous.
4. West Side Village Residential Facade Improvement Grant
Jason Bird, Community and Economic Development Officer, explained that this is
a new program where staff would utilize community development block grant
funding for 100 percent of the program. The name is going to be changed from
Façade Improvement Grant to Exterior Improvement Grant. Funding will not
have an impact on the General Fund or tax revenues. Staff suggested focusing
efforts just in the West Side Village for eligibility reasons for the CDBG program
as that has been a focus area over the past year and will be in the coming years.
Staff recommendation would be to provide up-to $5,000 grants for low to
moderate income eligible families and work with them to upgrade such things as
siding, windows, doors, stairs, porches, etc. that would face or abut a public
street, sidewalk or a parkway. Staff anticipates working with families that
income qualify that would not necessarily have the resources to improve their
exterior to improve the neighborhood and increase the property values.
Councilor Civiello asked how many $5,000 grants are planned. Mr. Bird indicated
that $50,000 (ten potential grants) would be budgeted within the CDBG
program. It is not anticipated that every application will be $5,000 so there may
be extra money available to do more than 10 grants.
Councilors discussed the various items that would be eligible for funding under
the grant (painting, siding, windows, etc.), the area that the West Side Village
encompasses, and how the funds will be disbursed.
Councilor Nealley moved Staff recommendation. Councilor Baldacci seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
5. Executive Session – Economic Development – Property Disposition – 1
M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C)
Councilor Nealley moved to enter Executive Session under 1 M.R.S.A. §
405(6)(C). The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
6. Committee Action on Above Item
No action taken.
Meeting adjourned.