HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-09-08 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes
Tuesday, September 8, 2015 5:15 PM
City Council Chambers
Committee Members Present: Chair Baldacci, Councilor Nealley, Councilor
Graham, and Councilor Plourde
City Staff Present: Tanya Emery, Cathy Conlow, Caitlin Brooke, Jeremy Martin,
Paul Nicklas, Jeff Wallace, David Gould, Steve Bolduc, and Tyler Collins
Chair Baldacci called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m.
Councilor Plourde moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilor Nealley
seconded the motion which passed as it was not doubted. The items approved
are as follows:
1. Community Development Residential Rehabilitation Loan 293
Grove St.
2. Extension of Lease Agreement with USABFIT, LLC
3. Conceptual Design Approval for Babe the Blue Ox
Jay Martin introduced the item and Rob Frank, WBRC Architects-Engineers,
discussed design schematics of the proposed sculpture.
Mr. Paul LeClair asked how this would be financed. Caitlin Brooke, Development
Specialist/Downtown Coordinator, indicated that this was just the Conceptual
Design phase of the process. If approved, the next step will be the Detailed
Design Phase (in accordance with the Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluation
and Accepting Public Art and Monuments to be
Councilor Nealley moved approval of the Conceptual Design Phase. Councilor
Plourde seconded the motion. Councilor Graham doubted the motion. The vote
was three in favor and one opposed (Councilor Graham).
4. ARTober Update
Kierie Piccininni, Cultural Commission Chair, gave an update of the numerous
events that have been put together for Artober to celebrate arts and culture
throughout Bangor for the entire month of October.
Councilors expressed their support for the event. Councilor Graham asked about
the budget for this event and Staff indicated that they would e-mail a copy of it
to the City Councilors.
No action was taken on this item.
Bangor Waterfront
Caitlin Brooke, Development Specialist/Downtown Coordinator, explained that
the Commission on Cultural Development is requesting approval on signage to
Waterfront. The Commission was directed by the Council in January to revise
worked with the Bangor Public Library to research historic details regarding the
If approved by the Committee Staff will proceed in obtaining quotes for review
by the Commission on Cultural Development.
Councilor Graham discussed with Staff the wording of the language.
Councilor Plourde moved approval of the language as written. Councilor Nealley
seconded the motion. It was a vote as it was not doubted.
6. Commercial Trash & Recycling in the Downtown District
Caitlin Brooke explained this item has been before the BED Committee on several
occasions. The Committee requested that Staff look into this and gather
information on what other cities are doing for commercial trash removal in
crowded downtown areas. Ms. Brooke noted that in discussions with several
downtown businesses and property owners, commercial trash disposal does not
appear to be a pressing issue with them. Staff recommended monitoring the
situation and if at a future date it is determined that things have changed, then
Staff would meet with the downtown stakeholders and come up with a plan.
Councilor Plourde asked about central recycling as he would like to see what the
expenses would be. Councilor Graham said that there is a real need for it with
all of the card board boxes merchants have to dispose of.
Community and Economic Development Director Emery indicated that the costs
would befor City Staff toremove the recycling materials.
It was the consensus of Committee Members for Staff to talk to Public Works
Director Dana Wardwell about the possibility for central recycling and then
placing this as an agenda item on a future Infrastructure Committee meeting.
7. Proposed Fifteen Minute Parking Space Merchants Plaza
Director Emery indicated that the proposed Ordinance would add a 15-minute
downtown parking space on Merchants Plaza. In the past business owners and
residents were allowed to use the pocket park on Merchants Plaza. However,
the potential for damage to the former park has led the City to discontinue this
practice but the need for a loading area still remains. Adding a 15-minute
parking space on Merchants Plaza would provide for this need.
Councilor Plourde moved to recommend approval to the full Council. Councilor
Nealley seconded the motion. The motion was not doubted and passed.
8. Discussion Rural Residence & Agricultural (RR&A) District
Paul Nicklas provided the Committee with proposed language for a possible
amendment to the Rural Residence and Agricultural District regarding
landscaping businesses.
Committee Members asked Staff to work on language that would clarify the
difference between a landscaping business that would be considered a permitted
use versus a landscaping business that was deemed to be a conditional use.
Councilor Nealley moved to approve the proposed language with the clarifying
addition as described. Councilor Plourde seconded the motion. It was a vote as
it was not doubted.
9. Demolition of 44 Patten Street
Director Emery indicated that all of the steps have been taken in the process and
Staff is requesting permission to move forward with demolition of the property at
44 Patten Street.
Councilor Graham moved approval of the demolition of 44 Patten Street.
Councilor Nealley seconded the motion. The motion passed as it was not
There being no further items, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.