HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-01-20 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes
Tuesday, January 20, 2015 5:15 PM
City Council Chambers
Councilors Present: Chair Baldacci, Councilor Graham, Councilor Nealley,
Councilor Plourde, and Councilor Faircloth
Staff Present: Cathy Conlow, Tanya Emery, Jason Bird, Caitlin Brooke, and Paul
Chair Baldacci called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m.
1. C&L Aerospace Update
Chris Kilgour, with C & L Aerospace, provided an informational update regarding
the progress of C&L’s move to their new facility at Bangor International Airport
and the expansion of their business.
2. Commission on Cultural Development Grant Recommendations
a. Bangor Symphony Orchestra
Caitlin Brooke, Business Development Specialist/Downtown Coordinator,
introduced the grant recommendation from the Commission on Cultural
Development (CCD) for the Bangor Symphony Orchestra (BSO). Councilor
Plourde indicated he may have a conflict as he serves on the board of the BSO.
Councilor Graham moved and Councilor Nealley seconded the motion that
Councilor Plourde did indeed have a conflict of interest. Vote unless doubted.
Councilor Plourde left the room. Councilor Nealley moved approval of the grant,
Councilor Faircloth seconded the motion. Councilor Graham asked about the in-
kind match. Brooke indicated that they have raised some and will raise the rest.
Councilor Graham asked to see documentation of the match. The motion passed
as it was not doubted. Councilor Plourde rejoined the meeting.
b. Maine Discovery Museum/Maine Science Festival
Caitlin Brooke introduced the grant recommendation from the CCD for the Maine
Discovery Museum/Maine Science Festival. Councilor Plourde indicated he may
have a conflict as he is a presenter (unpaid) and also on the marketing
committee for the Maine Science Festival. Councilor Graham moved and
Councilor Nealley seconded the motion that Councilor Plourde did indeed have a
conflict of interest. Councilor Faircloth indicated he would like to see the rules
about conflicts, as he did not feel this was a conflict. Nicklas responded
regarding special interests, and the determination is ultimately up to the vote of
the Committee. Councilor Faircloth questioned the applicability of this provision.
Councilor Nealley asked to withdraw his second. Councilor Baldacci seconded the
motion. Vote was 3-1 in favor, with Councilor Nealley voting against the motion
and Councilor Plourde abstaining. Councilor Plourde left the room. Councilor
Nealley moved approval of the grant, Councilor Faircloth seconded the motion.
Councilor Graham asked about the fact that this and the next grant
recommended are both for the Maine Science Festival, which is not necessarily in
the direct charge of the Cultural Commission. Brooke indicated the CCD had a
lengthy discussion about this very fact, but determined that the Maine Science
Festival is an important part of bringing down silos between arts, culture, and
science. The motion passed as the vote was not doubted. Councilor Plourde
rejoined the meeting.
c. Penobscot Theatre Company
Caitlin Brooke introduced the grant recommendation from the CCD for the Maine
Discovery Museum/Maine Science Festival. Councilor Graham expressed concern
about continually funding PTC and that the CCD should be funding things that
will become self-sustaining, not ongoing operations and programming.
Additionally, he was concerned about the CCD only having $1,000 left for the
year with another round of organizational grants advertised and an ongoing
rolling deadline for individual artist grants. Brooke explained that the PTC is one
of the groups that has the capacity to apply for the funds. The CCD did discuss
the limited funding left, and explained they had determined they could
potentially fund one or two small individual grants for the remainder of the year.
Councilor Plourde asked if Councilor Graham could clarify his areas of concern
about the CCD or things he would like to see them do differently. Councilor
Graham responded that he feels that it is his part of his job to be critical and that
the grant guidelines indicate things should be self-sustaining. Councilor Plourde
asked if there is a way the CCD could communicate differently or better to be
more proactive in giving Councilor Graham the information he needs. Councilor
Nealley moved approval of the grant, and Councilor Plourde seconded the
motion. Councilor Nealley stated this is about 1/100 of 1 percent of our overall
budget and the City has a great track record of supporting arts and culture. Vote
was 4-1 in favor, with Councilor Graham opposed.
3. Expansion of CDBG Facade Grant Eligibility Area
Community and Economic Development Director Tanya Emery introduced the
expansion of the CDBG-funded façade grant program into all census tracts that
are more than 51% low-moderate income, also known as “LMI neighborhoods”
in CDBG language. Councilors expressed support for the program and interest in
seeing a list of past recipients and photos of the accomplishments of the funding.
Councilor Plourde moved Staff recommendation. Councilor Nealley seconded the
motion which passed as the vote was not doubted.
4. REFERRAL – ORDINANCE 15-056, Amending Chapter 260, Signs,
of the Code of the City of Bangor, By Clarifying Window Sign
Requirements and Allowing Umbrella Logos
Assistant City Solicitor Paul Nicklas explained that this amendment is to clarify
language regarding window signage and umbrella logos. Downtown businesses
have requested that they be allowed umbrellas with logos. Umbrellas without
logos are expensive and must be replaced each year. Umbrellas can be found
for free from vendors/sponsors. However, they are not allowed under the current
The amendment for window sign requirements would allow for 20% coverage of
the area of the window and for all floors of a building. Staff requested a positive
recommendation from the Committee.
Committee Members discussed the proposed language amendments and where
they would be allowed.
Councilor Nealley moved staff recommendation. Councilor Graham seconded the
motion. It was not doubted and the motion passed.
5. Executive Session – Economic Development – Property
Acquisition – 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C)
Councilor Nealley moved to go into executive session under – 1 M.R.S.A. §
405(6)(C) at 6:20 p.m. Councilor Graham seconded the motion, which passed.
6. Committee Action on Above Item
No action was taken.
7. Executive Session – Economic Development – Business
Development – 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C)
Councilor Graham moved to go into executive session under – 1 M.R.S.A. §
405(6)(C) at 6:28 p.m. Councilor Plourde seconded the motion. The motion
8. Committee Action on Above Item.
Councilor Plourde moved staff recommendation for approval of the TIF and
Credit Enhancement Agreement for 28 Broad Street. Councilor Graham
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 6:36 pm.