HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-04-21 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes
Tuesday, April 21, 2015 5:15 PM
City Council Chambers
Committee Members Present: Councilor Graham, Councilor Nealley,
Councilor Blanchette, Councilor Durgin and Councilor Plourde
City Staff Present: Tanya Emery, Paul Nicklas, Cathy Conlow, Caitlin
Brooke, Jeff Wallace, Tracy Willette, Steve Bolduc and Norm Heitmann
In the absence of Chair Baldacci, Councilor Graham chaired the meeting and
called it to order at 5:15 p.m.
Councilor Nealley moved approval of Items No. 1 and 2 on the Consent Agenda.
Councilor Plourde seconded the motion which carried as it was not doubted. The
items approved are:
1. REFERRAL – ORDINANCE 15-114, Amending Chapter 148,
Historic Preservation, of the Code of the City of Bangor, By Changing
Timing and Minor Revision Requirements
2. REFERRAL – ORDINANCE 15-115, Amending Chapter 71, Bangor
Center Revitalization Area, of the Code of the City of Bangor, By Adding
a Minor Revision Process
Councilor Plourde moved that Item No. 4 be discussed before Item No. 3.
Councilor Durgin seconded the motion which passed as it was not doubted.
4. Commission on Cultural Development Individual Artist Grant
Councilor Blanchette indicated that she was in favor of Staff recommendation but
felt that these decisions should be made by the Cultural Commission and the
Council should let the Commission do what they have been charged to do. The
Committee Members discussed alternatives and looking into other models as to
how this could be done.
City Manager Conlow explained that because the Cultural Commission is not a
501(C) (3), the process needs to go through for signature by a department head
(if under a certain amount).
Councilor Plourde moved Staff recommendation. Councilor Durgin seconded the
motion. No one doubted the motion and it passed.
3. REFERRAL – ORDINANCE 15-138, Amending Chapter 165, Land
Development, of the Code of the City of Bangor, By Defining and
Regulating Landscaping as a Use in the Rural Residence and
Agricultural (RR & A) District
Councilor Blanchette indicated that because there are neighbors who are
presently suing an abutting property owner who has a landscaping business in
the RR & A District she felt that this item should not be dealt with until after the
court makes a decision.
Assistant City Solicitor Paul Nicklas explained that the amendment would put
restrictions on landscaping businesses in the RR & A District. Present operators
would be grandfathered. According to the Code Enforcement Officer, there are
at least 5 to 10 landscaping businesses presently in the RR & A. He felt that
regardless of the outcome of the court case, the amendment would provide
guidelines for operating such a business.
Councilor Nealley said that it was good public policy and it should be moved
forward regardless of the private sector activity.
Councilor Blanchette suggested a time limit on grandfathering and setting a
specific date for the time limit, and certification for people that are applying
pesticides and chemicals.
Councilor Nealley moved Staff recommendation. Councilor Plourde seconded the
motion. The motion was doubted by Councilor Blanchette. The Committee
voted four in favor (Councilor Graham, Councilor Plourde, Councilor Durgin,
Councilor Nealley) and one opposed (Councilor Blanchette).
5. West Side Village Update
Jeff Wallace, Housing Rehabilitation Specialist, gave an update on the West Side
Village Project and the projects that have been completed in the past year in the
area of streets and sidewalks, park improvements (and new lighting), acquisition
and demolition (10 Barker Street and 108 Third Street), and commercial and
residential façade grants. He also talked about projects that are proposed for this
year. He noted that Habitat for Humanity is planning a new home on half of the
lot at 108 Third Street and the City is proposing to construct another stick
building home on the remaining half with community development funds. Staff
is also working on a program to market the façade grant program.
6. 28 Broad Street, LLC Development Agreement
Director Emery noted that back in January the CED Committee gave its approval
to move forward with final documents for a Development Agreement with a
Credit Enhancement Agreement for the redevelopment of 28 Broad Street.
Director Emery indicated that the Credit Enhancement Agreement has been
prepared and is now ready to proceed to the City Council for approval. Staff
recommended that the Committee recommend approval by the City Council at its
April 27, 2015 meeting.
Councilor Nealley moved Staff recommendation, Councilor Plourde seconded the
motion. The motion passed as it was not doubted.
7. Cool Sounds Concert Series Location Discussion
Caitlin Brooke explained that the purpose of this discussion is to see if the
Committee or the City Council is willing to shut down a major street for this
Councilor Durgin felt that Pickering Square was the appropriate spot. Councilor
Plourde suggested that the site be West Market Square and that Broad Street be
closed for use by the market vendors.
Councilor Graham gave a brief history of the concert and open market venues.
He said that he didn’t think that West Market Square could fit the market
Councilor Blanchette felt that Pickering Square was fine. Councilor Plourde
indicated that either way Broad Street will need to be shut down.
Councilor Plourde made a motion that the Committee is fine with the Cool
Sounds Concerts being held in West Market Square with Broad Street being shut
off for use by the market vendors, and that the City Staff work with the
Downtown Bangor Partnership to figure out the best configuration. Councilor
Nealley seconded the motion.
The motion was doubted by Councilor Graham. Those in favor of the motion
were Councilor Plourde, Councilor Durgin, Councilor Blanchette and Councilor
Nealley. Councilor Graham was in opposition to the motion.
8. Executive Session – Economic Development – Lease Negotiations
1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C)
It was moved and seconded to enter Executive Session under 1 M.R.S.A. §
9. Committee Action on Above Item
No action was taken.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:42 p.m.