HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-12-09 97-44 ORDER-Council Action Date December 9, 1996 Item No. 97-B4,' Item/Subject: Grant Renewal -- Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic Responsible Department: Health and Welfare This is the renewal for the STD Grant. This grant runs from 1/1/97 to 12/31/97. Funding for the year is $106,90D. This is level with last year's funding. For your information a copy of the goals and objectives for the grant is attached. Associated Inf Ormation:0, Legal Approval: % Passage First Reading Referral De arUme@c Head CKakaa City Manager Finance Director City Solicitor Page 1 of 5 97 -dA Asmgnedso Counclor Sullivan December 9, 1996 CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE.) Mrbtr, al.cn lxfns the c ,tz ma cu,,,ABply for and Accept a Grant from the Department of Human Services -- Sexually Traaamitted Disease Clinic By He City Council 004 IXiy ofW . ORDERED, - TMT the City manager is authorized to apply for and accept from the state of Maine, Department of Human services, 9ureiu of Health a grant in the amount of $106,900 for continuation of sm/HIV services to be administered by the City of Bangor, Department of Health and welfare for the period 1/1/97 to 12/31/97. IN CITY COUNCIL 9I-44 December 9, 1996 0 R D E R Passed f b rine, Authorizing the City Manager to ITY CL6R Apply for and Accept a Grant from the Department of Human Services - $¢welly Transmitted Disease Clinic ...................................... Z.cuuwu0 (t7MW M40ed to C adQaQ.�sQ Councilman - Councilman BUREAU OF HEALTH Grant Dates: 1/1/97 - 12/31/97 97-44 PRWlUoI GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND STRATEGIES: 1. Bangor SID Clinic will provide HIV Ab counseling/testing services A. Have available at least 30 time slots weekly for HN testing appointments 1. Appointments during daytime and evening hours 2. Maintain a mimmam of DHS certified counselors on staff 3. Stagger counselor time for optimum availability B. AU SID Clinic attendees will be assessed for HN reek; high risk patients will be offered confidential and/or anonymous testing 1. Each patient is queried about personal condom use and IDU history 2. Sexual and SID histories will be assessed at each visit C. Provide individual counseling education and risk reduction information to each individual volunteering for testing 1. Only DHS certified commsdom perform testing and comam notification 2. All clients will be individually assessed for reasons for testing, risk motors and educated about risk reduction 3. Printed information specific to client concerns and risks will be provided to each person tested D. Provide referral resources for follow-up for individuals testing positive for HIV 1. Maintain repeated lists for support, medical follow-up, mental health, dental health, chemical dependency and other social services as appropriate 2. Make appropriate referrals as suggested by Maine BoH as recommended on HIV counseling/testing form M54 -J 3. Offer contact notification assistance to all who test positive for HN and perform notification services on request 2. Perform contact notification services to intervene in the spread of HIV and STD A. Perform epidemiologic activities as requested by Maine BOH SID/11V Pro_mam 1. Initiate and activate all contact notification requests forwarded by the central office within 24 hours unless otherwise directed 2. Report on epi investigation activities as requested 3. Encourage and offer notification assistance to all persons testing positive for SID or HIV at public and private facilities 4. Accept reports of positive lab tests for reportable infections from labs; hospitals, Family Planning and others and offer investigative assistance on each 3. Continue participation in the HIV seroprevalence study conducted by CDC A All SID Clinic attendees having a serological test for syphilis will be included in double blinded seroprembetwe testing for HIV Ab 1. Encourage all clients to accept full screening for SM at initial visit B. All clinic anernees presenting at initial visit will be asked to complete questionnaire assessing HlV risk 1. Questionnaire will be self administered in a private room to help insure honesty in risk assessment 9)-44 4. Community education on STD/HIV A. Present aceurate, up to date information about SMIHIVV to community 1. Accept requests for presentations on subjects of STD/H V from schools, groups, etc. 2. Maintain availability as a treating site for medical personnel from EMMC Family Pracnbe, Family Planting, schools of nursing, de. 5. Make available services to persons at risk of HIV through mD A Provide on site services of counseling and testing to persons at risk of HIV through IDU 1. Make regular visits to the local pourdyjail in order to provide counseling and testing to those identified as current or past IDUs or contacts to IDUs 2. Comae[ notification serrices to infected persons found through them efforts 3. Provide counseling and testing on site to any IV treatment center or program on request B. Provide urs post testing services at BSTDC to those clients at risk through mU C. Offer no coat testing to STD clinic patients who some a history of nsk through IDU 6. Manage health care for HIV infected persons through HIV Health Maintenance Clinic A Provide initial immune system testing and moderation updates for those ivtected with HIV 1. All initial CD4 counts, CBCs and chem profiles to be offered at W post to patients Nnen necessary and when no other finaacial means available 2. Ammal gu vaccine to HfV infected patients 7. Administer grant movies awarded to reach women at risk of contracting HIV infection. A. Outreach will be offered through various community agencies that serve women. I. Hold ongoing monthly discassion intervention groups at Wellspring, Hope House, Shaw House, etc. 2. Network with HIV positive women to serve as speakers to help lead discussion groups as requested. B. Make long term ongoing support services available to women who agree to take part in this project. 1. STD/ HIV clinic staff will ad up regular meetings to help moNtor progress of individual client's goals, to help identify problems/needs as they price. C. Make referrals available as appropriate to help overcome barriers to women seeking to make long term behavior changes to reduce their MV risks. 1. Arrangements will be made to make child care, transportation, do. available to asst women in keeping their appointments according to their care plan. 2. Referral lists will be maintained and updated to ref women for counseling as needed She substance abuse, selfeneem, domestic violence, etc. -BUREAU OF fii4GIY. Grant hates: 1/1/97 - 12/31/97 97-44 goal obj A: Maintain an appointment book which schedules 30 appointmera slots per week, allowing 30 minutes each obj B: Audit all STD charts following each clinic for documemmion ofFUV risk assessment including condom use, sex history and STD history obj C: Utilize manacling form M54 -J as check list for appropriate pre- and post-test counseling information provided to agents requesting [eating; audit chatty regularly obj D: Maintain updated referral gets; utilize form M54J as check lift for referrals; report contact notification activities to assured office as requested goal obj A: Report all contact notification activities to the central office as requested and audit all positive post tests for documentation of notification offer Pat 3 obj A: Report seroprevalence study cremation to central office including questionnaires and onto shat montMy goal obj A: Maintain educational presentation calendar and report on presentations quarterly to central office obj B: Report all educational activities for medical personnel quarterly to central office gem 5 obj A: Report all EDU testing activities to central office quarterly goal obj A: Maintain patient files for patients receiving services through HIV Clinic; participate in regularly scheduled audits by Clinic director and DIV Clinic director, report activities quarterly to central office goal? obj A: Maintain a speakers bureau list of woman willing to speak at presentations. Do a mhdmum of one presentation per month to women at risk. obj B: Maintain records ofwomen that are part of the project. Reports will be made quarterly to Central office. obj C: Maintain updmed list ofreferrels. Successful refmals can be monitored by request for payment from referral agencies. No quarterly fiscal reports will be required per gram manager. Quarterly, activity reports will be provided to gram manager within 10 days following and of quarter.